Unleash the Health Benefits of Watercress Microgreens Today.

Watercress Microgreens – The Ultimate Superfood Powerhouse!

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Step aside kale and Brussels sprouts; there’s a new superfood in town – Watercress Microgreens! These tiny, peppery greens are not just bursting with incredible flavor but also packed with an impressive array of nutrients, including vitamins A, C, K, calcium, and manganese.

Belonging to the Brassicaceae family alongside other popular microgreens like broccoli and radish, watercress has quickly earned its place at the top of every health enthusiast’s menu.

Growing these microgreens is both fast and easy, too, making them perfect for urban farming or adding a touch of greenery to your home.

Key Takeaways

  1. Watercress microgreens are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, and manganese, making them a perfect addition to any diet.
  2. Growing watercress microgreens is easy and can be done quickly with simple materials such as trays or pots, soil or hydroponic systems, watercress seeds, and access to sunlight or grow lights.
  3. Maintaining proper moisture levels in the soil or growing medium while providing adequate lighting is necessary for the healthy growth of watercress microgreens from quality seeds. Using stackable trays can help optimize space and maximize yield.
  4. Harvesting your watercress microgreens at the right time (usually after 10 – 12 days) using clean equipment will help you enjoy the optimal freshness and prolong their shelf life by up to five days when stored properly in an airtight container in the fridge.
Image showcasing a flourishing garden of freshly grown watercress microgreens

What Are Watercress Microgreens?

Watercress microgreens are young, edible plants that belong to the Brassicaceae family and have a peppery flavor, packed with vitamins such as A, C, and K, as well as calcium and manganese, making them a perfect addition to any diet. These microgreens can be grown in trays for easy cultivation.

Watercress microgreens are young, tender shoots of the watercress plant, typically harvested just 7-14 days after germination. These tiny greens pack a powerful punch in terms of flavor and nutrition, featuring a delightful peppery taste that can liven up any dish. Their quality is unmatched, making them a popular choice among health-conscious individuals.

Recognized as a functional food for its concentrated nutrient content in an easily consumable form, watercress microgreens are rapidly gaining popularity among health-conscious individuals seeking plant-based options for boosting overall wellness.

Infinite Harvest, a Colorado-based hydroponic produce producer, is one example of companies bringing this power-packed green to market.

Image of a vibrant bowl of salad bursting with nutritious watercress microgreens

Nutritional Value

Watercress microgreens are a nutritional powerhouse packed with essential vitamins and minerals of high quality that your body needs to maintain optimal health. These tiny greens are particularly rich in calcium, iron, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins A, C, and K.

Additionally, watercress microgreens contain manganese which aids our bodies’ metabolism and nutrient absorption processes. They boast an impressively low-calorie count coupled with high fiber content – making them an ideal choice for those watching their weight or aiming for a healthier diet.

Including these nutrient-dense greens in your daily meals not only provides you with critical nutrients but may also contribute to various health benefits such as improved lung function, reduced inflammation levels, and even lowered risk of certain cancers.

Health Benefits

Watercress microgreens bring numerous health benefits to the table, making them an excellent addition to a well-rounded diet. Packed with various essential nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium, folate, and antioxidants like beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein, these tiny greens are nutrient-dense powerhouses that support overall health.

These leafy Brassica family members offer more than just cardiovascular protection. High levels of vitamins A and K present in watercress help strengthen your immune system and maintain healthy skin and eyesight.

Additionally, their substantial amount of vitamin E – a phenolic antioxidant – contributes to improved cell function while fighting inflammation.

Incorporating watercress microgreens into your daily meals can be a delicious way to enjoy these bountiful benefits: sprinkle them onto salads or sandwiches or blend them into smoothies for a vibrant burst of flavor packed with nutrition! By embracing this versatile green gemstone from Mother Nature’s garden, you’ll be taking charge of your health one meal at a time – proving once again that good things come in small packages!

How To Grow Watercress Microgreens

To grow watercress microgreens, you will need a tray with drainage holes, soil or a hydroponic system, watercress seeds, and access to sunlight or grow lights.

Required Materials

To grow watercress microgreens, you will need the following materials:

  1. Watercress microgreens seeds: These can be purchased online from places like True Leaf Market or from local suppliers.
  2. Containers: You’ll need a container with drainage holes, such as a tray or pot.
  3. Growing medium: Use a high-quality potting mix that is free of pesticides and herbicides.
  4. Grow Lights: Watercress microgreens require at least 12 hours of light each day.
  5. Spray bottle or watering can: Watercress microgreens need to be misted daily to keep the soil moist.
  6. Humidity dome (optional): This will help maintain humidity during germination.
seeds cress watercress seed cress watercress seed
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Note that hydroponic gardening can also be used to grow watercress microgreens but may require additional equipment such as pumps and growing trays. With these required materials in hand, you can begin your journey toward enjoying homegrown watercress microgreens!

Image featuring a jar filled with potential – watercress microgreen seeds

Preparing The Seeds

Before planting watercress microgreens, it is essential to prepare the seeds properly. Below are some essential steps to follow for successful growth:

  • Rinse the seeds: Rinse the seeds in cold water and remove any debris or damaged seeds.
  • Soak the Seeds: Soak the seeds for several hours (4-6 hours) to speed up germination.
  • Drain and rinse: Drain the soaked seeds and rinse them again with cold water.
  • Use a growing medium: Choose a high-quality soil mix or use hydroponics to grow your microgreens. If using soil, sterilize it before using it to avoid any contaminants that can affect seedlings’ growth.
  • Spread the Seeds: Spread out the prepped seeds evenly on top of the growing medium; do not bury them too deep. The thickness of each layer should be around 1/8″.
  • Cover and Mist: After spreading out your seeds, cover them with another thin layer of soil mix or a moist paper towel. Spray mist over the top layer to keep it moist. Avoid soaking, as this may cause it to rot.

By following these simple steps for preparing your watercress microgreens seeds, you can ensure successful germination and healthy growth for your delicious greens.

Planting And Germination

To grow your own watercress microgreens, you will need to follow these steps for successful planting and germination:

  1. Start with high-quality seeds: Choose seeds that are free from contaminants and have a high germination rate. You can purchase watercress microgreen seeds online or at local nurseries.
  2. Prepare the soil mixture: Fill a container with a soil mixture made up of equal parts potting soil, perlite, and vermiculite. Mix the soil well and moisten it lightly.
  3. Plant the seeds: Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil mixture. Cover them lightly with a thin layer of soil or vermiculite.
  4. Watering: Spray the surface of the soil mixture lightly with water to ensure that it is moist but not too wet. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to low germination rates.
  5. Germination period: Place the container in a blackout period for Days 1-3, then move it into the sunlight on Days 4-9 as the cress grows much better in light conditions allowing you to harvest on Day 10.
  6. Bottom watering: Water from below by filling up trays with water so moisture is drawn through capillary action avoiding disturbing your setup
  7. Temperature requirements: Keep temperatures between 60°F -75°F as this is best for germination

By following these simple steps, you’ll soon be able to harvest fresh and nutritious watercress microgreens right at home!


To ensure successful growth and optimal nutrient retention in your watercress microgreens, proper maintenance is crucial. Here are some maintenance tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep the soil or growing medium moist at all times. Water the plants regularly but be careful not to overwater them, as this can lead to fungal growth.
  • Provide adequate lighting for the plants to thrive. Watercress microgreens require around 12 hours of light per day, so consider using grow lights if natural sunlight is limited.
  • Use a nutrient-rich fertilizer every 7-10 days to promote healthy growth and improve flavor.
  • Monitor for pests and diseases regularly, especially if you’re growing watercress indoors. Remove any infected or damaged leaves immediately before they spread.
  • Be sure to harvest your watercress microgreens at the right time (usually after 10 – 12 days) for maximum taste and nutritional benefits. Store them properly in an airtight container in the fridge for up to five days.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to maintain healthy and delicious watercress microgreens with ease.

Best Soil And Lighting For Watercress Microgreens

Watercress microgreens require specific growing conditions to thrive. When it comes to soil, a high-quality organic potting mix is best. Ensure that the soil has good drainage and contains essential nutrients for plant growth.

As for lighting, these greens need ample natural light or at least 12 hours of artificial grow lights daily.

Growing watercress microgreens in hydroponic systems is also an excellently viable option because they can get all their required nutrients from the nutrient-rich water used in these systems without needing soil.

Harvesting Watercress Microgreens

To harvest watercress microgreens, wait until the leaves are about 2 inches tall and cut them from the stem just above the soil surface using clean scissors or a sharp knife.


Harvesting watercress microgreens can be tricky, but it’s important to get the timing just right. These delicious and nutritious greens are typically ready to harvest around two weeks from planting.

One thing to keep in mind is that microgreens don’t continue growing after being harvested like larger plants do. So if you wait too long, they may lose some of their nutritional value and taste less flavorful.

It’s recommended that you harvest your watercress microgreens when they are about 1-2 inches tall or have developed at least one set of true leaves.


Growing watercress microgreens can be done using various methods, such as indoor gardening, hydroponics, and sustainable agriculture. Here are some methods to consider:

  1. Indoor Gardening: Watercress microgreens can easily grow indoors with the help of grow trays or containers that have drainage holes. Consider using a soilless seed starting mix or coconut coir to plant the seeds.
  2. Hydroponics: Growing watercress microgreens in water, with added nutrients like potassium and calcium, is known as hydroponics. This method needs less space than traditional gardening and allows better control over nutrient uptake.
  3. Sustainable Agriculture: Using organic and sustainable farming practices can make sure that watercress microgreens grown are healthy for both you and the environment. Crop rotation can also help maintain soil health.
  4. Seed Germination: The seeds of watercress microgreens are tiny and mucilaginous, which makes them challenging to sow evenly. Soak the seeds overnight before planting them, and sprinkle seeds in a thin layer on top of your growing medium.
  5. Edible Plants: Watercress microgreens contain vitamins A, C, E, iron, calcium, and magnesium that, make them a nutritious food source for humans.
  6. Nutritious Foods: Consuming watercress microgreens helps improve heart health, reduces inflammation throughout the body, and lowers blood pressure levels while protecting against chronic diseases like cancer.
  7. Fresh Produce: Harvesting watercress microgreens at home means you’ll have access to fresh produce all year round without needing to go outdoors or buy from a store.
  8. Urban Farming: If you live in an apartment or small house with limited garden space, then growing watercress microgreens on your windowsill could be an excellent way to start urban farming.
  9. Crop Rotation: It’s essential to rotate crops when growing these greens because it helps ensure that there are no soil-borne diseases caused by the overuse of the same soil.
  10. Organic Farming – Grown without the use of manufactured pesticides or fertilizers, organic farming can help make sure that your watercress microgreens have fewer toxic chemicals, which is better for your health.
Love Grows: The Heart-Shaped Watercress Microgreens


Proper storage is key to maintaining the freshness and nutritional value of watercress microgreens. After harvesting, they should be immediately kept in a cold environment with temperature control to prevent spoilage.

For those who purchase microgreens from the grocery store, it’s essential to ensure that they come from reliable sources that practice quality maintenance and shelf-life preservation techniques.

Remember that the shelf life of microgreens varies depending on cultivar and storage conditions, typically lasting between 10-14 days after harvesting.

Culinary Uses For Watercress Microgreens

Watercress microgreens add a peppery kick to salads, sandwiches, and smoothies and can be used to create dressings and dips.


Watercress microgreens are a fantastic addition to any salad, offering a burst of fresh flavors and nutrients. These microgreens can be used as the base of your salad or added as a garnish on top for extra texture and color.

The peppery taste of watercress pairs perfectly with other salad greens like arugula, spinach, and kale.

Aside from enhancing the flavor profile of your dish, adding watercress microgreens to your salads is an excellent way to boost its nutritional content. These greens are low in calories but packed full of vitamins and antioxidants that help protect against cancer and inflammation.


Watercress microgreens make a perfect addition to any sandwich, adding a fresh and peppery flavor to your favorite lunchtime staple. Chefs even use these tiny greens as a tender and modern alternative to mature watercress in high tea sandwiches.

Adding watercress microgreens to your sandwich is simple. Just wash and dry them thoroughly before adding them on top of your favorite fillings, such as sliced deli meat, cheese, avocado, or tomato slices.

They also pair well with dressings like mayonnaise or mustard for added flavor.


Watercress microgreens can be a great addition to smoothies. They add a slightly spicy flavor and pack in an impressive amount of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, and vitamin C.

When making watercress microgreen smoothies, it is important to consume them immediately, as the nitrites found in watercress have been linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer if left sitting for too long.

However, when consumed fresh in smoothie form, the health benefits of these tiny greens are numerous and delicious.

Dressings And Dips

Watercress microgreens can add bold and refreshing flavors to your dressings and dips. Try using them in homemade vinaigrettes, creamy avocado dressings, or as a garnish on top of hummus.

Adding them to your dips and dressings is an easy way to boost the nutritional value of your meals.

Pairing Watercress Microgreens With Other Foods

Watercress microgreens are incredibly versatile and can be paired with a wide range of other foods. They’re often used as a garnish in salads, but they can also be added to sandwiches, smoothies, dressings, and dips for an extra pop of flavor.

Pairing watercress microgreens with other vegetables like arugula, broccoli, or cabbage will elevate the nutritional value of your meal. For example, try adding some watercress microgreens to a salad with sliced radishes or toss some into a stir-fry dish for added crunchiness and nutrition.

Health Benefits Of Watercress Microgreens

Watercress microgreens are highly beneficial for health as they can aid in digestion, lower the risk of chronic diseases, boost immunity, and provide an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

Helps With Digestion

Watercress microgreens are a great addition to your diet if you’re looking for foods that can help with digestion. These tiny greens contain compounds that have been shown to aid in digestive health by relieving indigestion, improving irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, and helping regulate bowel movements.

Watercress is also a natural diuretic, which means it can help flush out toxins from the body and reduce bloating. Additionally, watercress contains fiber which is essential for good digestive health as it promotes regularity and helps keep things moving smoothly through the body’s digestive system.

Lowers Risk Of Chronic Diseases

One of the most significant health benefits of watercress microgreens is their ability to lower the risk of chronic diseases. These tiny greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help prevent a variety of ailments, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Antioxidants found in watercress microgreens have been linked to reducing inflammation in the body which ultimately helps lower the risk of chronic disease. Additionally, regularly consuming nutrient-dense foods like watercress microgreens can also improve overall immune system function and promote healthy eating habits.

Boosts Immunity

Watercress microgreens have been found to be a powerful tool in boosting immunity. This is due to the high amounts of vitamin C and other nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, B2, and folic acid packed into these tiny greens.

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in enhancing our immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells that help fight infections.

Nutritional Benefits

Watercress microgreens are a powerhouse of nutrients, making them an excellent addition to any diet. They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, A, K, calcium, and potassium.

In fact, watercress contains more vitamin C than oranges and provides more calcium than milk! These tiny greens also contain isothiocyanates that may help prevent cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells while promoting hydration.

Image illustrating an individual carefully harvesting ripe watercress microgreens

Potential Risks And Side Effects Of Watercress Microgreens

It is important to note that while watercress microgreens have many health benefits, there are potential risks and side effects to be aware of.


Although rare, some people may experience allergic reactions to watercress microgreens. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, hives, and swelling of the face or throat.

It’s important to note that these types of allergies are not specific to watercress microgreens and can occur with any type of plant-based food. If you have a history of allergies, it’s recommended that you start with small amounts of watercress microgreens and monitor your body’s response before consuming them regularly.


It is important to be aware of potential contaminants when consuming watercress microgreens. While there have been no reported cases of foodborne illness from consuming microgreens, they share many characteristics with sprouts and can pose similar risks.

Contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and chemicals can be present in the seeds or the growing environment if proper precautions are not taken during cultivation.

It is recommended to buy from trusted sources or grow your own using clean materials and following safe cultivation practices to minimize the risk of contamination.

Where To Buy Watercress Microgreens

You can easily find watercress microgreens online or at local suppliers, or you could even grow your own using sprouting seeds and hydroponics.

Online Sources

If you’re looking to buy watercress microgreens online, there are numerous sources available. Here are some of the best:

  1. Baldor: This online grocer offers a wide range of specialty vegetables, including watercress microgreens.
  2. Local Harvest: This website allows you to search for local farmers who sell microgreens, including watercress.
  3. Amazon Fresh: Amazon now offers fresh produce delivery in select areas, making it easy to get your hands on watercress microgreens without leaving your home.
  4. Etsy: Many small-scale growers sell their microgreens on Etsy, making it a great place to find unique varieties like watercress.

Remember, when ordering online, be sure to check the shipping times and any minimum order requirements before making a purchase.

Local Suppliers

Local suppliers are a great source of watercress microgreens for those looking to add this nutrient-rich food to their diets. Here are some options for finding local suppliers:

  • Check with your nearest farmers’ market to see if any vendors offer watercress microgreens.
  • Local food distributors may also carry watercress microgreens, so check with them as well.
  • Colorado front-range produce companies may have watercress microgreens available for purchase.
  • Some grocery stores, particularly those that specialize in organic and healthy foods, may carry watercress microgreens.

By purchasing from local suppliers, you can ensure that your watercress microgreens are fresh and haven’t traveled far before reaching your plate. Plus, supporting local businesses benefits the community as a whole.

Growing Your Own

Growing your own watercress microgreens is an easy and cost-effective way to add this nutrient-dense plant to your diet. All you need is a few supplies, including growing trays or containers, potting soil, seeds, and a light source.

To get started, soak the seeds in water for 4-6 hours before spreading them evenly on top of moist soil. Cover the tray with another tray or plastic lid to create a mini greenhouse effect and keep the soil moist until germination.

Growing your own also allows you to ensure that no chemicals or pesticides are used in production while guaranteeing maximum freshness and flavor when consuming.

Final Thoughts: The Benefits Of Adding Watercress Microgreens To Your Diet

Watercress microgreens are a delicious and nutritious addition to any diet. With their spicy, peppery flavor and high nutrient density, these tiny greens pack a powerful punch.

Growing your own is easy and can be done quickly with simple materials. Watercress microgreens can be used in various dishes such as salads, sandwiches, smoothies, dressings, and dips! They have countless health benefits like helping the digestion process, boosting the immunity system as well as reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Moreover, they are safe for consumption when stored properly.

Frequently Asked Questions About Watercress Microgreens

Watercress microgreens are young watercress plants that have just begun to grow from their seeds. Typically, these plants will be less than two inches tall and will produce small leaves that pack a large flavor punch.

Watercress possesses a unique spicy taste along with being loaded with vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, K, calcium & iron, which make them stand out from the competition as nutritional powerhouses for any diet.

To get started growing your own supply of watercress microgreens, you need high-quality soil rich in nutrients (e.g., peat moss) and seedlings were grown under optimal conditions with consistent watering patterns so they germinate properly & uniformly across the tray before harvesting at desired height!

Yes! One great aspect about opting for watercress microgreens is their versatility – whether it’s dressing up salads or sandwiches, adding an extra kick into soups or stews, or even sprinkling atop fried chicken wings – there are countless ways these nutrient-packed greens can enhance culinary delights while also providing beneficial health effects!

Watercress microgreens can last for up to 10 days after being harvested. It’s best to keep them refrigerated in a plastic container or bag with a damp paper towel to maintain their freshness.

However, it’s recommended to consume them within the first few days of harvesting for maximum nutritional benefits.

It’s worth noting that the shelf life of watercress microgreens may vary depending on how they are grown and harvested. If you’re growing your own at home, be sure to follow proper sanitation practices and use clean materials throughout the process to ensure their longevity.

Proper storage is essential for preserving the delicate flavor and crisp texture of watercress microgreens. To keep them fresh, start by ensuring they are as dry as possible when harvesting, as any excess moisture can lead to mold.

Once harvested, gently wrap your microgreens between two pieces of paper towels before placing them in an airtight container or sealed plastic bag. It’s recommended that you place a folded paper towel on the bottom of the container before loosely laying your greens inside to control any moisture buildup.

Yes, watercress microgreens are safe to eat raw if they are grown and handled with care. When consuming any type of edible microgreens, it’s essential to ensure that the plants have been properly cultivated and harvested in a hygienic environment.

In general, most commercially available watercress microgreens should be safe for consumption when eaten raw.

Consuming raw watercress has numerous health benefits, including providing a good source of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and iron, as well as being an excellent antioxidant.

They can be added to salads along with other greens like spinach or kale as a crunchy texture enhancer while adding an extra nutrition boost without compromising taste.

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