A vibrant microgreen farm with rows of coconut coir trays, young plants sprouting with vivid green hues.
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Growing Microgreens in Coconut Coir: Harness the Power of Natural Resources for High-Yield Harvests

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Are you interested in growing microgreens but not sure what growing medium to use? Look no further than coco coir! This soil media made from coconut husks has been gaining popularity among microgreen growers for its many advantages.

Microgreens are young, tender plants that are harvested just after their first true leaves have developed. They are packed with nutrients and flavor, making them a popular addition to salads, sandwiches, and smoothies. But what makes coco coir such a great choice for growing these tiny powerhouses?

Coco coir has been used as a growing medium for centuries, particularly in tropical regions where coconuts are abundant. It is sustainable and eco-friendly, as it is made from the waste product of coconut processing. It also retains water well while allowing for excellent drainage, making it ideal for microgreen production.

Not only is coconut coir a sustainable option for cultivating these vibrant greens, but it also promotes strong root growth and healthy plants with its unique combination of water retention and drainage properties.

Whether you’re starting with basil seeds or radish seeds or using a microgreen kit, consider using coco coir as your growing medium of choice. Not only will you be adopting an environmentally conscious approach to gardening, but you’ll also be setting yourself up for success in producing healthy and delicious microgreens.

Key Takeaways

  • Coconut coir is an eco-friendly and sustainable growing medium for microgreens, providing excellent water retention, drainage, and aeration properties.
  • Growing microgreens in coconut coir is cost-effective and easy to do at home, with no need for complicated equipment or extensive gardening experience.
  • Selecting the right seeds and properly preparing the coconut coir are crucial steps for successful microgreen cultivation in this medium. Popular microgreens to grow in coconut coir include basil, cilantro, radish, kale, and broccoli.
  • By choosing coconut coir as their preferred growing medium for nutrientrich greens at home or commercial scale, growers support environmentally friendly practices that reduce waste while promoting sustainable use of natural resources.

Understanding Coconut Coir

Coconut coir is a natural fiber extracted from the husk of a coconut, and it has become increasingly popular as a sustainable growing medium due to its abundance and renewability.

Properties Of Coconut Coir

Coconut coir is a versatile and eco-friendly growing medium derived from the fibrous material found between the outer husk and inner shell of a coconut. It has unique properties that set it apart from other traditional soilless options, such as peat moss or perlite.

The structure and texture of this renewable resource also contribute to excellent drainage and aeration, ensuring that roots receive ample oxygen while avoiding compaction often caused by denser media.

Additionally, coconut coir possesses neutral pH levels, which allow for better control over nutrient availability during the growth process; this also makes it simple to add customized nutrient mixes tailored specifically to your microgreens’ needs.

In terms of sustainability, using coconut coir reduces dependency on nonrenewable resources like peat bogs while repurposing waste products from the vast global coconut industry.

A close-up shot of a tray filled with vibrant microgreens growing in coconut coir, the soft and fluffy texture of the coir is visible.

How Coco Coir is Made from Coconut Husks

The process of making coco coir involves removing the outer layer of the coconut, known as the husk. The husks are then soaked in water for several months until they break down into fibers. These fibers are then washed and dried before being packaged and sold.

Different Types of Coco Coir Available in the Market

There are several types of coco coir available in the market, including pure coir, coco peat, coconut pith, coco bliss, and coco loco. Pure coir is made up entirely of fibrous material, while coco peat contains both fibers and small particles. Coconut pith is made from ground-up coconut shells, while coco bliss is a blend of pure coir and chips or chunks. Finally, coco loco is a mix of different types of coco coir.

Properties that Make Coco Coir an Ideal Growing Medium

Coco coir has several properties that make it an ideal growing medium for microgreens. First and foremost, it has excellent water retention capabilities, which means that it can hold onto moisture for longer periods than other growing mediums, such as soil. It provides good drainage, which helps prevent root rot in plants.

Another benefit of using coco coir is its texture. It has a fibrous structure that allows air to flow freely through it, which helps promote healthy root growth. Furthermore, it has a neutral pH level which means that it won’t affect the acidity or alkalinity of the soil.

Coco coir is also a sustainable choice for gardening as it is made from a renewable resource and can be reused multiple times. It comes in convenient bags that are easy to transport and store.

Benefits Of Using Coconut Coir As A Growing Medium

Coconut coir has quickly gained popularity as a growing medium and for a good reason. One of the main benefits is its incredible water retention capacity. This amazing fibrous material can absorb up to ten times its weight in water! This helpful property ensures that your microgreens will always have access to an adequate amount of moisture while preventing overwatering issues, such as root rot or mold growth.

Moreover, coconut coir is environmentally friendly and sustainable because it’s made from the waste product of coconut harvesting – transforming husks into something useful rather than discarding them.

Its porous and airy structure provides excellent aeration, promoting healthy root development while encouraging faster germination rates compared with other mediums like peat moss.

Anecdotal evidence even suggests that plants grown in coconut coir are less susceptible to pests and diseases due to their robust root systems.

Benefits Of Growing Microgreens In Coconut Coir

Growing microgreens in coconut coir has numerous benefits, including sustainability, nutrient-rich plants, ease of use and maintenance, and cost-effectiveness.


One of the most appealing aspects of using coconut coir for growing microgreens is its sustainability as a renewable resource. Unlike peat moss, which takes centuries to form and often involves destructive mining practices, coconut coir is created from waste materials such as coconut husks that would otherwise be discarded.

Moreover, since coconut palms have fast growth rates and can thrive in various climates worldwide, production levels remain high without posing significant ecological issues.

By opting for this eco-friendly option in setting up your microgreen garden at home or even on a commercial scale, you’re taking a step towards preserving our planet’s delicate ecosystems while enjoying nutritious greens all year round.


One of the many advantages of growing microgreens in coconut coir is that they are nutrient-rich. Coconut coir provides a natural and sustainable growing medium made from the fibrous husks of coconuts, which provide excellent water and nutrient retention properties.

This means that your microgreens will grow with all the necessary nutrients to thrive, including vitamins A, C, E, and K, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Furthermore, adding liquid fertilizers such as Ocean Solution can give them an extra boost for their growth and health.

Not only are you providing yourself with fresh and healthy greens, but you are also enjoying cost-effective gardening using renewable resources rather than expensive additives or synthetic alternatives.

Easy To Use And Maintain

One of the biggest advantages of growing microgreens in coconut coir is how easy it is to use and maintain. Unlike traditional soil, there’s no worrying about messing up ratios or struggling with overwatering.

Simply soak the coconut coir brick, drain any excess water, and fluff it up before planting your seeds.

What’s more, unlike other hydroponic methods that may require complicated systems or pricey equipment, using coconut coir for microgreens requires minimal effort and resources while still yielding high-quality results.


Switching to coconut coir as a growing medium for microgreens can save you money in the long run. It’s an affordable option that does not compromise on quality, making it a cost-effective solution for growers.

Compared to other soilless mediums like peat moss or vermiculite, coconut coir is relatively inexpensive and widely available.

Many companies sell pre-packaged coco coir bricks or mats that are specifically designed for growing microgreens, making it an even more convenient and budget-friendly option.

Benefits of Using Coconut Coir Compared to Other Growing Mediums

Choosing the right growing medium is crucial for their success. While there are many options available, coconut coir has become a popular choice among gardeners and farmers alike.

Comparison with other popular growing mediums

Soil has been used as a growing medium for centuries, but it comes with its own set of challenges. For one, soil can be heavy and difficult to work with. It also requires regular fertilization and can harbor pests and diseases that can harm your plants.

Peat moss is another common option, but it, too, has its drawbacks. Peat moss is not a renewable resource, and harvesting it can damage delicate ecosystems like bogs. It also has low pH levels, which need to be adjusted before use.

Coconut coir medium offers many benefits over these traditional mediums.

Advantages of using coconut coir

High Water Retention

One of the biggest advantages of using coconut coir as a growing medium is its ability to retain water. Coco coir can hold up to 10 times its weight in water, making it an excellent option for plants that require consistent moisture levels.

pH Neutrality

Another benefit of using coco coir as a growing medium is its neutral pH level. Unlike soil or peat moss, which may have high or low pH levels depending on their composition, coco coir has a near-neutral pH level that won’t interfere with nutrient uptake by your plants.

Low EC Levels

Coco coir also has low electrical conductivity (EC) levels compared to other mediums like soil or rockwool. This means that nutrients are more easily absorbed by your plants without the risk of over-fertilization or nutrient burn.

Reduced Risk of Pests and Diseases

Coco coir is also less likely to harbor pests and diseases compared to soil-based mediums. This is because coco coir is a sterile growing medium that has been treated to remove any potential pathogens or contaminants.

Sustainability Benefits

Using coconut coir as a growing medium also offers sustainability benefits. Coco coir is made from the husks of coconuts, which are a renewable resource. It also produces less waste compared to other mediums like peat moss, which requires mining and extraction.

Why Growing Microgreens in Coconut Coir is Sustainable and Effective

Explanation of How Microgreens Can Be Grown Sustainably in Coconut Coir

Coconut coir is an excellent alternative to soil-based mediums for growing microgreens because it is renewable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Unlike traditional soil-based mediums that can deplete nutrients over time and require frequent watering, coconut coir retains moisture well while providing adequate drainage. It also contains naturally occurring beneficial microbes that promote healthy plant growth without the need for harmful pesticides or fertilizers.

Benefits Such as Reduced Water Usage, Lower Carbon Footprint, Etc.

One of the most significant advantages of using coconut coir as a growing medium for microgreens is its ability to reduce water usage by up to 70%. This reduction in water usage not only saves money but also helps conserve one of our most precious resources. Since coconut coir is made from a waste product (coconut husks), it has a much lower carbon footprint than traditional soil-based mediums.

Another benefit of using coconut coir as a growing medium for microgreens is its ability to provide optimal conditions for plant growth. Coconut coir has excellent air porosity and water-holding capacity, which allows roots to freely grow while preventing root rot. The result is increased yield potential due to optimal growth conditions provided by coco coir.

Increased Yield Potential Due to Optimal Growth Conditions Provided by Coco Coir

In addition to providing optimal growth conditions, coconut coir also contains natural plant hormones that stimulate root growth and enhance the overall health of microgreens. This results in faster germination times and higher yields compared to traditional soil-based mediums.

Positive Impact on the Environment Through Sustainable Farming Practices

Growing microgreens in coconut coir is a sustainable farming practice that has a positive impact on the environment. By using renewable resources such as coconut husks, farmers and growers can reduce their carbon footprint while promoting healthy plant growth without the need for harmful chemicals or fertilizers. Since coconut coir retains moisture well, it reduces water usage and helps conserve one of our most precious resources.

Are All Coconut Coir Bricks Compressed the Same Way?

Coconut coir bricks are a popular growing medium used by gardeners and farmers worldwide. These compressed blocks of coconut fiber are an eco-friendly alternative to peat moss and offer excellent water retention, air circulation, and nutrient absorption properties.

However, not all coconut coir bricks available in the market are created equal. The quality of the compressed bricks can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as moisture content, pressure applied during the compression process, and the type of coir used.

Differences Between Various Types of Compressed Coconut Coir Bricks Available in the Market

There are different types of compressed coconut coir bricks available in the market. Some are low-quality products that may contain sand or other impurities that can affect plant growth. On the other hand, high-quality coconut coir bricks contain pure coco coir without any additives or contaminants.

Another key difference between various types of compressed coconut coir is their shape and size. Coco coir bricks come in different sizes ranging from a pound brick to a cubic inch or square inch block. The size you choose depends on your gardening needs and preferences.

Factors Affecting Compression Such as Moisture Content, Pressure Applied During Compression Process Etc.

The quality and effectiveness of compressed coconut coir depend on how well they are made. One critical factor affecting compression is moisture content. Coconuts with high moisture content produce softer fibers that require less pressure to compress into blocks than drier fibers.

Another crucial factor affecting compression is the pressure applied during the compression process. High-quality coco coir bricks undergo intense compression at high pressures to create dense blocks that hold together well when wet.

Importance of Choosing High-Quality Compressed Bricks for Optimal Results

Choosing high-quality compressed coconut coir is essential for optimal plant growth results. Low-quality products may contain sand or other impurities that can affect plant growth. Poor quality coco coir bricks may not hold together well when wet, leading to uneven water distribution and nutrient absorption.

High-quality compressed coconut coir offers excellent water retention, air circulation, and nutrient absorption properties that promote healthy plant growth. They also break down slowly, providing long-lasting support for plants.

Tips for Identifying Good Quality Compressed Bricks

When shopping for coconut coir bricks, it’s essential to choose high-quality products to get optimal results. Here are some tips for identifying good-quality compressed bricks:

  • Look for pure coco coir without any additives or contaminants.
  • Check the moisture content of the coco coir brick. It should be around 10%.
  • Choose a dense block that holds its shape well when wet.
  • Avoid products that contain sand or other impurities.
  • Read reviews from other gardeners to see what they recommend.
Growing microgreens in coconut coir, showcasing the benefits of this sustainable practice.

Cost Analysis of Using Coconut Coir for Microgreens

Growing microgreens in coconut coir is a popular choice among urban gardeners and small-scale farmers alike due to its sustainability, effectiveness, and affordability. However, Cost-effectiveness is a key factor that cannot be overlooked.

Comparison with Other Popular Growing Mediums Based on Cost per Unit Area or Volume

Coconut coir is a byproduct of coconut processing and is widely available at an affordable price. When compared to other popular growing mediums like peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite, coconut coir proves to be more cost-effective in terms of both initial investment and recurring expenses.

For example, a 5 kg block of high-quality coconut coir can produce up to 150 liters of growing medium when hydrated. The cost per liter comes out to be less than $0.10. On the other hand, peat moss costs around $0.30 per liter, while vermiculite and perlite can cost up to $1 per liter.

Factors Affecting Overall Cost Such as Initial Investment, Recurring Expenses Etc.

While the initial investment in coconut coir may seem higher than some other growing mediums like soil or sand, it’s important to consider the overall expense over time. Unlike soil or sand, which needs frequent replacement due to depletion of nutrients or contamination by pests or diseases, coconut coir can last for several months before needing replacement.

Moreover, since coco coir has excellent water retention properties and does not easily compact like soil does after repeated watering cycles; it reduces the watering frequency, thus reducing your expenses on water bills as well as fertilizer inputs.

Long-Term Savings Potential through Increased Yields or Reduced Waste Generation

Using coconut coir as a growing medium can lead to increased yields and reduced waste generation, which in turn can result in long-term savings. Coconut coir has the ability to hold moisture and nutrients better than soil, leading to faster germination rates and healthier plant growth.

Furthermore, since coconut coir is an organic material that decomposes slowly over time, it can be composted along with other plant waste after harvest. This reduces the amount of waste generated and also provides a nutrient-rich compost for future use.

Importance of Considering Cost-Effectiveness Along with Sustainability Benefits

While sustainability benefits are important when choosing a growing medium for microgreens, cost-effectiveness cannot be overlooked. By choosing a cost-effective growing medium like coconut coir, you can save money in the long run while still enjoying the benefits of sustainable agriculture.

Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Prepare Coconut Coir Bricks for Microgreens

Growing microgreens in coconut coir is an excellent way to produce nutrient-dense greens all year round. Coconut coir is a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to soil, which makes it ideal for indoor gardening. However, proper preparation of the coconut coir bricks is essential for successful microgreen growth.

Rehydrating Coconut Coir Bricks

The first step in preparing coconut coir bricks for microgreens is rehydration. The dry brick needs to absorb enough water to expand into a fluffy medium that can support the growth of your plants.


  1. Place the coconut coir brick in a large container or bucket.
  2. Add warm water until the brick is fully submerged.
  3. Allow the brick to soak up water until it expands fully (this usually takes 15-20 minutes).
  4. Gently stir the mixture with your hands to ensure an even distribution of moisture throughout the material.

Fluffing Up Coconut Coir Bricks

Once you have rehydrated your coconut coir brick, it’s time to fluff it up before planting your seeds.


  1. Drain any excess water from the container or bucket.
  2. Use your hands or a fork to break apart any lumps or clumps in the material.
  3. Loosen up and thoroughly mix so that there are no dry pockets left behind.
  4. Ensure that you achieve optimal moisture levels by squeezing out any excess water from the mixture.

Importance of Proper Preparation

Proper preparation of coconut coir bricks plays a vital role in ensuring successful microgreen growth.

Microgreens require adequate moisture content and nutrients from their growing medium during germination and early stages of growth, making it essential to get the preparation right. Failure to prepare the coconut coir bricks correctly can lead to poor microgreen growth and even death.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid when preparing your coconut coir bricks for microgreens:

  • Not soaking the brick in enough water: The brick needs to be fully submerged in water for optimal rehydration.
  • Using cold water: Warm water helps break down the fibers of the brick, making it easier to fluff up.
  • Overwatering or underwatering: Ensure that you achieve optimal moisture levels by squeezing out any excess water from the mixture.
  • Not fluffing up the material enough: Fluffing up ensures proper air circulation and prevents the compaction of the soil.

Calculating Water Usage for Coconut Coir Bricks

Coconut coir is an excellent growing medium for microgreens. It is sustainable, renewable and provides the necessary nutrients, water retention, and aeration that plants need to grow healthy. However, one of the challenges of using coconut coir as a growing medium is determining how much water to use.

Explanation of How Water Usage Can Be Calculated Based on Brick Size and Moisture Content

To determine how much water to use when growing microgreens in coconut coir bricks, you need to consider two factors: brick size and moisture content.

Brick Size: The size of the coconut coir brick determines the amount of water it can hold. For example, if you have a 5kg coconut coir brick that measures 30cm x 30cm x 10cm, it can hold up to 15 liters of water.

Moisture Content: The moisture content of the coconut coir brick affects its ability to retain water. A dry brick will require more water than a moist one. To ensure optimal moisture content, soak the brick in warm water until it expands fully before planting your microgreens.

Once you know these two factors -brick size and moisture content- you can easily calculate how much water your plants need by following these steps:

  1. Determine the volume of your container.
  2. Calculate how many bricks you will need based on the container’s volume.
  3. Multiply the number of bricks by their capacity (in liters) to get the total capacity.
  4. Subtract any other media or materials from that total capacity.
  5. Finally, multiply this remaining number by 0.7 (70%), which is around what percentage of total capacity should be filled with a nutrient solution or plain tap/filtered/distilled water.

Comparison with Other Growing Mediums in Terms of Water Usage

Compared to other growing mediums, coconut coir requires less water. For example, peat moss and vermiculite require more frequent watering because they hold less water than coconut coir. On the other hand, soil-based growing media like potting mix and garden soil require more water because they have a higher density and retain moisture for longer periods.

Tips for Optimizing Water Usage While Using Coco Coir as a Growing Medium

To optimize water usage while using coconut coir as a growing medium, follow these tips:

  1. Soak the brick in warm water before planting to ensure optimal moisture content.
  2. Use a container with good drainage to prevent overwatering.
  3. Use a self-watering system or drip irrigation to reduce runoff and evaporation.
  4. Monitor your plants’ moisture levels regularly using a moisture meter or by checking the top layer of the coconut coir for dryness.
  5. Adjust your watering schedule based on your plants’ needs and environmental conditions.

Managing Moisture Levels in Coconut Coir: Tips and Tricks

Coconut coir is a popular growing medium among microgreen growers due to its excellent water retention properties. However, managing moisture levels in coconut coir can be tricky, as factors such as humidity, temperature, and watering practices can significantly impact the growth of your microgreens.

Factors Affecting Moisture Levels

Before we dive into techniques for managing moisture levels in coconut coir, let’s take a closer look at the factors that can affect those levels. First and foremost is humidity – if the air around your microgreens is too dry or too humid, it can impact how much water they absorb from the coconut coir. Temperature also plays a role – if it’s too hot or too cold, your microgreens may not be able to absorb enough water to grow properly.

Another important factor to consider is how much water you’re giving your microgreens. Overwatering can lead to excess water sitting in the bottom of your tray or pot, which can cause root rot and other issues. Underwatering, on the other hand, can stunt growth and even kill your plants.

Techniques for Maintaining Optimal Moisture Levels

Now that we understand what factors impact moisture levels in coconut coir, let’s explore some techniques for ensuring those levels stay within an optimal range throughout the growing cycle:

  • Watering: One technique that many growers use is bottom watering – adding water directly to the tray or pot so that it soaks up through the coconut coir from below. This helps ensure that all parts of your microgreens get enough water without over-saturating them.
  • Drainage: Another key consideration when using coconut coir as a growing medium is drainage. Make sure there are enough holes in your tray or pot to allow excess water to drain away, preventing root rot and other issues.
  • Volume: It’s also important to consider the volume of water you’re adding – too much can lead to overwatering, while too little can cause underwatering. Aim for a consistent amount each time you water your microgreens.
  • Airflow: Good airflow around your microgreens can help prevent excess moisture from building up around the leaves and stems, which can lead to mold and other issues. Consider using a fan or opening a window to improve ventilation.
  • Blackout Period: During the blackout period, it’s essential to avoid watering your microgreens excessively as they are not photosynthesizing during this time. Overwatering during this period could lead to mold growth.

Importance of Proper Moisture Management

Proper moisture management is crucial when growing microgreens in coconut coir – failure to maintain optimal levels can impact their growth significantly. Overwatered plants may become stunted, develop mold or root rot, or even die. Underwatered plants may not grow at all or produce small, weak shoots that are unsuitable for consumption.

Choosing The Right Seeds

To ensure successful microgreen growth in coconut coir, choose popular microgreens like basil or radish and select high-quality seeds with a good germination rate. Not all seeds and crops are created equal, and some may not thrive as well in this medium compared to others.

Popular Microgreens To Grow In Coconut Coir

Coconut coir is a great growing medium for microgreens, and certain types of microgreens thrive in this organic substrate.

Smaller ones tend to work better than larger ones. This is because smaller seeds have a higher germination rate and require less space to grow. Here are some popular options:

These seeds can be purchased from various online seed sellers or garden centers.

Factors Affecting Seed Selection

Several factors affect seed selection when using coco coir as a growing medium. One of the most important factors is nutrient requirements. Some plants require more nutrients than others, so it’s essential to select seeds that match the nutrient content available in coco coir.

Another factor is the germination rate. As mentioned earlier, smaller seeds tend to have a higher germination rate than larger ones. It’s also important to consider the time required for germination since some plants take longer than others.

Benefits of Choosing Appropriate Seeds/Crops

Choosing appropriate seeds/crops has numerous benefits when growing microgreens in coconut coir. The right choice can result in optimal yield potential since some plants grow better in coco coir compared to other mediums like soil or hydroponics.

Selecting suitable crops can help reduce maintenance costs since they require fewer nutrients and water compared to other crops grown using different mediums.

Importance of Crop Rotation and Diversification

Crop rotation is essential when growing microgreens in coconut coir since it helps prevent soil-borne diseases, pests, and nutrient depletion. It’s also crucial to diversify crops to improve the overall health of the system.

For instance, planting different crops with varying nutrient requirements can help balance the nutrient content in coco coir. It’s also a good idea to alternate between fast-growing and slow-growing plants to ensure a continuous harvest.

These microgreens are rich in nutrients, easy to grow, and have a quick harvest time. Additionally, they add flavor and texture to meals and can be used in an array of dishes like salads, smoothies, or sandwiches. Choosing high-quality seeds that are specifically labeled for microgreen use is essential for successful growth in coconut coir.

Seed Selection Tips

Choosing the right seeds is crucial for successful microgreen cultivation in coconut coir. When selecting seeds, consider their germination rates, flavor, and color. Popular microgreens to grow in coconut coir include basil, radish, and broccoli.

Look for high-quality seed sellers and check the expiration date on seed packets before purchasing.

Another consideration when choosing microgreen seeds is the blackout period required for optimal growth. Some varieties require complete darkness during germination, while others can tolerate some light exposure.

Researching each specific seed variety’s needs will ensure optimal growth results.

Setting up your microgreen garden in a minimalist wooden crate, filled with nutrient-rich coconut coir,

Setting Up Your Microgreens Garden

Choose the right containers for your microgreen garden, such as shallow trays, pots, or even reused plastic containers.

Choosing The Right Containers

When it comes to choosing the right containers for your microgreens, there are several options available.

One popular option is to use shallow trays or dishware with drainage holes at the bottom. This allows excess water to drain out and prevents moisture buildup, which could lead to mold growth.

Additionally, larger trays allow you to grow a wider variety of microgreens in one container, while smaller ones may be better suited for single-seed varieties.

Preparing The Soil

To prepare the soil for growing microgreens in coconut coir, start by choosing the right container. The container should be shallow and have drainage holes at the bottom.

Next, mix your coconut coir with other organic materials like peat moss and compost to create a well-draining but moisture-retentive soil medium.

Once you have prepared your potting mix, fill the containers about three-quarters full of soil, leaving enough room for watering. Then, sprinkle your chosen microgreen seeds evenly over the surface of the soil and gently press them into it.

Planting The Seeds

Once you have prepared your coconut coir, it’s time to plant the seeds. Popular microgreens that grow well in coconut coir include basil, radish, and broccoli. Scatter the seeds evenly across the surface of your prepared coconut coir and make sure not to sow them too thickly – this can lead to overcrowding and inhibit growth.

Once the seeds are scattered, gently press them into the surface of the coir with your fingertips or a small tool.

As you start growing more microgreens in coconut coir, you may want to experiment with different seed blends or combinations for unique flavor profiles.

When planting your microgreen seeds in coconut coir, be sure to scatter them evenly across the surface and avoid sowing too thickly, which can cause overcrowding issues later on.

Supplementing Coconut Coir with Nutrients for Optimal Growth

Coconut coir, also known as coconut fiber, is an excellent substrate for growing microgreens due to its aeration properties and neutral pH. However, it lacks the necessary nutrients required for optimal growth rates. Therefore, supplementing coconut coir with nutrients is essential to ensure that your microgreens receive everything they need to thrive.

Types of Nutrients

There are various types of nutrients available for supplementing coconut coir, including organic fertilizers, hydroponic solutions, and liquid fertilizers. Organic fertilizers such as peat moss are an excellent option as they are slow-release and provide long-term benefits to the soil structure. Hydroponic solutions are another option that provides the necessary nutrients in a water-based solution. Liquid fertilizers are also popular among growers as they can be easily applied and absorbed by plants.

Techniques for Applying Nutrients

When applying nutrients to coconut coir, it’s crucial to do so effectively without causing damage to the plants or soil structure. One technique is bottom feeding, where excess nutrient solution is added to a bottom tray and allowed to soak up into the roots of the microgreens gradually. This method ensures that only enough water is absorbed by the root system without causing over-saturation or weight on top of the substrate.

Another technique is top-feeding using a spray bottle or watering can with a fine nozzle attachment. This method allows you to apply the nutrient solution directly onto the surface of your microgreens while avoiding overspray or runoff onto other plants nearby.

Benefits of Supplementing Coconut Coir with Nutrients

Supplementing coconut coir with nutrients has many benefits, including improved yield potential due to increased plant growth rates and healthier root systems. It also helps prevent nutrient deficiencies in your plants that may cause stunted growth or discoloration in leaves.

Moreover, adding nutrients allows you more control over the growth and development of your plants, ensuring that they receive everything they need to thrive. By supplementing coconut coir with nutrients, you can create a more balanced and nutrient-rich growing environment for your microgreens.

Alternatives to Coconut Coir: Using Coconut Coir Mats

Coconut coir is a popular growing medium for microgreens due to its water retention and nutrient-rich properties. However, compressed bricks of coconut coir can be difficult to manage and store. Fortunately, there is an alternative solution that is just as effective: coconut coir mats.

Comparison between Coco Coir Mats and Compressed Bricks

Coconut coir mats are made from the same material as compressed bricks but come in a roll form, making them easier to handle and store. In terms of cost, coconut coir mats are slightly more expensive than compressed bricks but offer better value for money due to their longer lifespan and ease of use.

Benefits of Using Coco Coir Mats for Microgreen Production

  1. Better Water Retention: Coconut coir mats have excellent water retention capabilities, which means less frequent watering is required.
  2. Nutrient-Rich: The high-quality coco coir mats are enriched with essential nutrients that promote healthy growth in microgreens.
  3. Environmentally Friendly: Coconut coir mats are biodegradable and eco-friendly, making them a sustainable choice for microgreen growers.
  4. Versatile: Coconut coir mats can be used not only for microgreens but also for other plants, such as herbs and vegetables.

Tips for Selecting High-Quality Coco Coir Mats

  1. Look for thickness: Thicker coco coir mats offer better water retention and provide more support to the roots.
  2. Check pH Levels: Make sure the coco coir mat has a neutral pH level (around 6-7), so it won’t affect the acidity or alkalinity levels of your growing environment.
  3. Avoid Synthetic Binders: Some low-quality coco coir mats contain synthetic binders that can harm your plants’ growth or negatively impact soil health.
  4. Consider Hemp Mats as an Alternative: Hemp mats are a great alternative to coconut coir mats. They have similar properties and are also environmentally friendly.

Comparison of Cost Analysis of Using Coconut Coir vs. Other Growing Mediums

Choosing the right growing medium is crucial for the success of any crop. While there are many options available, coconut coir has gained popularity in recent years due to its sustainability and versatility. However, cost is also an important factor to consider.

Factors Affecting Overall Cost

Several factors affect the overall cost of using a particular growing medium. These include:

  • Initial investment: The cost of purchasing the growing medium and any necessary equipment.
  • Recurring expenses: The ongoing costs associated with maintaining the growing medium, such as fertilizers, water, and electricity.
  • Yield potential: The amount of produce that can be grown using a particular growing medium.
  • Waste generation: The amount of waste generated during the cultivation process.

Coconut Coir vs. Other Growing Mediums

Let’s take a closer look at how coconut coir compares to other popular growing mediums in terms of cost.


Soil is one of the most commonly used growing mediums. It is relatively inexpensive and readily available. However, soil requires regular maintenance, such as watering and fertilizing, which can add up over time. Soil has limited yield potential compared to other mediums like hydroponics or aquaponics.

Peat Moss

Peat moss is another popular choice for growers due to its ability to retain moisture and nutrients. However, peat moss is not sustainable as it takes hundreds of years to form naturally. It also requires frequent watering, which can increase recurring expenses.


Hydroponics involves growing plants in nutrient-rich water instead of soil or other traditional media. While hydroponic systems require higher initial investments than some other methods, they have significantly lower recurring expenses. Hydroponic systems can also produce higher yields and generate less waste than traditional soil-based methods.


Aquaponics combines hydroponics with aquaculture, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem where plants and fish thrive together. While aquaponic systems require higher initial investments, they have lower recurring expenses as the fish provide natural fertilizer for the plants. Aquaponic systems also have high yield potential and generate very little waste.

Long-Term Savings Potential

While coconut coir may have a slightly higher initial investment cost compared to some other growing mediums, it has several long-term savings potential benefits. Coconut coir is highly sustainable and can be reused multiple times before needing to be replaced. Coconut coir has excellent water retention properties, which can reduce recurring expenses associated with watering.

Furthermore, using coconut coir as a growing medium can lead to increased yields due to its ability to retain moisture and nutrients better than soil. This increased yield potential translates into more produce per unit of input cost, ultimately resulting in greater profits for growers.

A close-up photograph of a person's hands gently holding a tray of microgreens grown in coconut coir.

Comparing Coco Coir Bricks vs. Coir Mixes: Pros and Cons

Growing microgreens in coconut coir is a popular choice among gardeners, as it offers several benefits over traditional soil mixes. However, there are two main options available in the market: compressed coco coir bricks and pre-mixed coco coir.

Differences between Compressed Coco Coir Bricks and Pre-Mixed Coco Coir

Compressed coco coir bricks are blocks made from compressed coconut fibers that need to be hydrated before use. On the other hand, pre-mixed coco coir are ready-to-use blends of coconut fibers with other ingredients such as perlite or vermiculite.

Advantages and Disadvantages Associated with Each Type

Compressed Coco Coir Bricks:

  • Pros:
    • Easy to store due to their compact size.
    • Cost-effective as they can expand up to 10 times their original size when hydrated.
  • Cons:
    • Can be time-consuming as they need to be soaked in water for several hours before use.
    • Quality can vary depending on the brand.

Pre-Mixed Coco Coirs:

  • Pros:
    • Ready-to-use out of the bag, saving time and effort.
    • Consistent quality across brands.
  • Cons:
    • More expensive than compressed coco coir bricks.
    • Bulkier than bricks, making them harder to store.

Factors Affecting Choice

When choosing between compressed coco coir bricks and pre-mixed coco coir, there are several factors you need to consider:

  1. Crop Requirements: Different crops have different requirements for drainage, moisture retention, and nutrient levels. For example, some crops may require a coarser mixture for better drainage, while others may need a finer blend for moisture retention.
  2. Availability: Depending on your location, one type of coco coir may be more readily available than the other. It’s important to choose a type that is easily accessible to you.
  3. Budget: Compressed coco coir bricks are generally more cost-effective than pre-mixed coco coir, making them an ideal choice if you’re on a tight budget.

Importance of Choosing the Right Type Based on Specific Needs

Choosing the right type of coco coir is essential for successful microgreen growth. Using the wrong mixture can lead to poor drainage, overwatering, and nutrient deficiencies. By considering factors such as crop requirements, availability, and budget, you can select the best option for your needs.

Caring For Your Microgreens

Water your microgreens daily, making sure not to overwater and cause waterlogging; place them in a sunny location or under grow lights for 12-16 hours per day, and fertilize as needed with a liquid fertilizer.

Watering Schedule

To make sure your microgreens thrive in coconut coir, you need to keep the growing medium moist. Overwatering can cause mold growth and lead to the death of your plants, so it’s best to avoid watering too much.

As a general rule of thumb, if the temperature is below 25 degrees Celsius, watering once per day will suffice. But if it’s hotter than that, you should water them twice a day to ensure they don’t dry out.

When it comes to watering microgreens in coconut coir, it’s important to use the right kind of water. Rainwater, bottled water, or well water are all good options because they contain natural minerals that promote plant growth.

Avoid using distilled water as this lacks essential nutrients and may not support healthy growth for your plants.

Proper Lighting

Proper lighting is crucial for growing healthy and tasty microgreens. During their approximately 10-day growth period, microgreens require a moderate amount of light to thrive.

While a sunny south-facing windowsill is ideal for growing microgreens, they are flexible in their lighting requirements. For those without access to sunlight, full-spectrum LED grow lights are available as an alternative option.

It’s important to note that during the first few days after planting, it’s beneficial to place blackout covers over your seed trays until the seeds have germinated and started pushing through the soil surface.

After this time period, you’ll want to provide around 12-16 hours of proper light each day while ensuring they’re not exposed to too much heat, which can hurt or even dry out delicate leaves.


One of the great advantages of growing microgreens in coconut coir is that they require only light fertilization. A nutrient solution with around 80 ppm of nitrogen is recommended for optimal growth.

Because microgreens are harvested young, before they produce flowers, there’s no need for heavy fertilization or chemicals. In fact, many growers prefer to use natural amendments and minerals like peat moss to create their own potting mix instead of relying on synthetic fertilizers.

Harvesting And Storage

Once your microgreens have reached their optimal growth, it’s time to harvest them by cutting them off at the base with sharp scissors or shears. Store the harvested microgreens in an airtight container or plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Timing The Harvest

Harvesting microgreens is a crucial step that requires careful attention to timing. Depending on the variety, most microgreens are ready for harvest within 7-21 days when they reach a height of 1-3 inches.

It’s important to monitor their growth regularly and harvest them at the right time to maximize their nutrient density and flavor. You can perform a taste test or visually inspect the leaves for clues like the emergence of true leaves before harvesting.

Once you’ve harvested your microgreens, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator to keep them fresh for longer periods.

Techniques For Harvesting

Harvesting microgreens grown in coconut coir is a simple and straightforward process. When the plants are around 3-4 inches high or when the first two leaves have unfurled, it’s time to harvest them.

A sharp pair of scissors should be used to snip the stems just above the soil level. This ensures that you get a clean cut and don’t disturb any neighboring plants. For those looking to sell their microgreens, packaging plays an essential role in maintaining freshness and quality.

It’s important to note that different types of microgreens may require specific harvesting techniques due to varying stem thicknesses and leaf shapes. Some larger seeds, such as sunflower or pea shoots, may need to be cut with garden shears instead of scissors.

Proper Storage

Once you’ve harvested your microgreens, it’s crucial to store them properly to maintain their freshness and flavor. To extend the shelf life of your microgreens by a couple of days, it’s best to store them in an airtight container in the fridge at 39°F (4°C).

However, not all containers are suitable for storing microgreens. Moisture is the enemy of freshness when it comes to these delicate greens, so choose a container that allows ventilation and doesn’t trap excess moisture.

Another tip is to avoid washing or rinsing your microgreens until just before you’re ready to eat them since too much moisture can cause wilting and spoilage.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter mold growth while growing microgreens in coconut coir, reduce the amount of water used and ensure proper ventilation; for pests, try using natural remedies like neem oil; if your plants are wilting, adjust their lighting or watering schedule.

Mold Growth

One of the most common issues that growers face when growing microgreens in coconut coir is mold growth. This can be caused by excessive moisture on the surface of the growing medium or poor air circulation, leading to a buildup of bacteria and fungi.

To prevent mold growth, it’s important to ensure that your microgreens aren’t overwatered and have proper ventilation. Additionally, it’s crucial to purchase quality seeds from reputable sources and avoid overcrowding them in one area.


Aphids, whiteflies, and fungus gnats are the three most common pests that can affect microgreens grown in coconut coir. These pesky critters can quickly multiply and cause significant damage to your crop if left unchecked.

To prevent these pests from infesting your microgreen garden, it’s important to maintain a clean growing environment by regularly removing any dead or decaying plant matter.

To tackle mold growth, another common problem encountered when growing microgreens in coconut coir, you should aim to reduce humidity levels by increasing air circulation around the plants.

Overwatering is another major contributor to mold growth; hence it’s essential not to water too frequently and allow excess water to drain from trays. If you do spot signs of mold growth on your plants, remove affected plants immediately and sterilize tools used between each planting cycle with bleach solution diluted as per instructions mentioned on bottles or packets available in markets.


Wilting is a common issue that can occur when growing microgreens in coconut coir. This happens when the young plants do not receive enough moisture, causing them to droop and eventually die.

However, misting the microgreens several times a day can help rejuvenate them and prevent wilting. Additionally, some other reasons why microgreens may wilt include using too much fertilizer or placing them under direct sunlight for an extended period of time.

Final Thoughts: Growing Microgreens in Coconut Coir is a Sustainable and Effective Method

Growing microgreens in coconut coir is a sustainable, nutrient-rich, easy-to-use and maintain, and cost-effective solution for anyone looking to grow their own greens at home.

Compared to other growing mediums, coconut coir has numerous benefits, including being eco-friendly, lightweight, and easy to use. It also promotes healthy plant growth by maintaining optimal moisture levels.

By following the step-by-step instructions on how to prepare coconut coir bricks for microgreens, you can ensure that your plants are getting the nutrients they need for optimal growth. Supplementing coconut coir with nutrients can further enhance your crop’s growth potential.

Using coconut coir for microgreens is cost-effective in the long run since it can be reused several times before needing replacement. Furthermore, using this growing medium requires less water than traditional soil-based methods.

Understanding the properties and benefits of coconut coir as a growing medium, selecting the right seeds, preparing the coir properly, setting up your microgreen garden correctly, caring for your plants with proper watering schedules and lighting requirements, harvesting and storing them effectively, troubleshooting common issues like mold growth or pests, you can enjoy fresh microgreens all year round!

Growing microgreens in coconut coir is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to grow their own fresh produce sustainably and effectively. With its many benefits and low-cost requirements, it’s no wonder why more people are turning to this method of cultivation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Growing Microgreens in Coconut Coir

Coconut coir is a natural fiber that comes from the husks of coconut shells. It is an excellent medium for growing microgreens because it holds moisture well, provides good drainage, and contains beneficial nutrients that help support healthy plant growth.

To prepare coconut coir for use as a growing medium, you will need to rehydrate it by soaking it in water until it expands and becomes fluffy. Then, rinse the coir thoroughly to remove any excess salts or debris before placing it into your planting trays.

Almost any type of microgreen can be grown successfully in coconut coir, including popular varieties like arugula, basil, broccoli, cilantro, kale, mustard greens, and radish. You could also try more exotic varieties, such as amaranth or shiso, if you are looking to expand your offerings beyond traditional options.

The frequency with which you water your microgreens will depend on several factors, such as temperature and humidity levels, but typically watering once every day is recommended. However, you should always check the moisture level of your soil before watering each time – this helps prevent overwatering (which can lead to root rot) while also ensuring proper hydration throughout different stages of growth, such as germination & harvest phase.

Yes! Coco coir can be reused several times before it needs replacing. Rinse out any remaining roots from the previous crop before reusing it.

Most seeds work well with coco coir; however, smaller seeds like basil or radish may require additional care during germination due to their size.

Coco coir is nutrient-rich, but it’s still recommended to supplement with fertilizers to ensure optimal growth

Yes! Growing microgreens in coco coir is an easy and straightforward method of cultivation, perfect for beginners or anyone looking to start their own indoor garden.

Author Image For Cal Hewitt

Cal Hewitt is the Founder and Lead Cultivator at Microgreens Guru, a website dedicated to empowering individuals to grow, consume, and potentially sell nutrient-dense microgreens. With 5 years of hands-on experience in microgreens cultivation, Cal brings a unique analytical perspective to the world of urban agriculture. He specializes in optimizing growth techniques for various microgreen varieties, while also focusing on sustainable and cost-effective growing methods. Cal’s passion for microgreens, ignited by a personal health journey, drives him to continuously explore and share innovative approaches to microgreens cultivation. His practical experience, combined with his commitment to education through his website and upcoming book, ensures that Microgreens Guru remains a valuable resource for both novice and experienced growers alike.

More About Cal Hewitt

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