A stunning countryside view with horses grazing on a field filled with different types of microgreens such as clover, fennel, chia, and radish.

Microgreens For Horses: Transforming Equine Health One Sprout at a Time

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Are you looking for a natural and cost-effective way to improve your horse’s diet? Look no further than microgreens! These tiny plants are packed with nutrients and easy to grow, making them an excellent supplement for your equine friend. In recent years, microgreens have become increasingly popular not just for human consumption, but also as a nutritious option for animal feed. Horse owners and enthusiasts are discovering the numerous benefits of incorporating microgreens into their horse’s diets. Not only do microgreens offer a variety of vitamins and minerals that can benefit horses, but they can also be grown sustainably at home.

There are many options available. Horseradish microgreens are a popular choice for their high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants. Other safe options include broccoli, kale, and wheatgrass. It’s important to note that not all vegetables are safe for horses to eat, so be sure to do your research before introducing any new foods.

These tiny plants pack a powerful punch in terms of nutrition and health advantages while offering a sustainable way to keep your horses well-fed with minimal environmental impact.

Join us as we explore the world of microgreens for horses – from understanding what they are and how to grow them to the variety of ways you can incorporate these greens into your equine friend’s diet for optimal health and performance. Get ready to improve your horse’s health one tiny plant at a time!

Key Takeaways

  1. Microgreens offer a nutritious and sustainable option for feeding horses, packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health.
  2. Growing DIY fodder using microgreens is an affordable way to supplement your horse’s diet with highly digestible feed while reducing waste and promoting better skin and coat health.
  3. Wheatgrass, alfalfa, red clover, sunflower, and barley are popular types of microgreens suitable for horses due to their high nutritive value.
  4. Feeding microgreens to horses can improve digestion and nutrient absorption resulting in improved energy levels during exercise or training regimes while benefiting the environment through reduced resource consumption compared to traditional hay or grain crops.

As with any change to your animal’s diet, consult with your veterinarian before adding microgreens to your horses meals. Microgreens are generally safe for animals and can provide them with valuable nutrients, but it’s always best to check with a professional first.

Understanding Microgreens For Horses

Microgreens for horses are young plants that have just started to grow and can be sprouted from seed in soil or hydroponically, providing a quick and nutritious source of food.

Understanding Microgreens For Horses

What Are Microgreens For Horses?

Microgreens for horses are young, tender plants that have been harvested just after the seedling stage, typically around 7-14 days after germination.

These nutrient-dense greens offer a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for equines.

Feeding horses with microgreens not only provide them with essential nutrients but also introduces variety into their diet. As an added benefit, these tiny shoots can be grown year-round in controlled environments such as greenhouses or indoors using hydroponic systems like CropBox.

Benefits Of Microgreens For Horses

Feeding microgreens to horses can offer a multitude of benefits, as they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health. Here are some key advantages of incorporating microgreens into your horse’s diet:

  1. Improved nutrition: Microgreens contain higher levels of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants when compared to their mature counterparts.
  2. Enhanced fitness: Horse gram microgreens are considered superfoods due to their high nutritive value and fitness benefits.
  3. Cleaner feed: Growing microgreens using seeding mats results in cleaner harvested greens, reducing the risk of contamination or spoilage.
  4. Biofortification possibilities: Sprouts and microgreens can be biofortified to increase their levels of health-promoting micronutrients, offering even greater benefits to your horse’s diet.
  5. Cost-effective option: Microgreens can provide an affordable source of feed for horses in facilities such as horse boarding facilities and restaurants.
  6. Better digestion and nutrient absorption: Feeding microgreens may help improve digestion and nutrient absorption for optimal health.
  7. Promotes healthy skin and coat: The abundance of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients found in microgreens can contribute to maintaining a healthy coat and skin for your horse.
  8. Environmentally friendly alternative: Growing microgreens is an eco-friendly choice compared to traditional hay or grain options, as they require less water and space for production.

By incorporating these nutritious greens into your horse’s diet, you’ll not only optimize their health but also make a positive impact on the environment while saving money on feed costs over time.

DIY Fodder For Horses

Growing your own microgreens to create DIY fodder for horses is a cost-effective and nutritious way to supplement their diet. Here are some steps to follow when cultivating this beneficial feed:

  1. Choose the right grains: Barley, wheat, alfalfa, sunflower, and red clover are popular options for horse fodder.
  2. Soak seeds: Thoroughly wash seeds and soak them in water for 8-12 hours.
  3. Drain excess water: After soaking, drain any remaining water from the seeds.
  4. Use appropriate containers: Spread soaked seeds evenly in suitable trays or containers with drainage holes.
  5. Provide sufficient lighting: Place the containers near a natural light source or use artificial grow lights to ensure optimal growth conditions.
  6. Maintain proper temperature and humidity levels: Keep the growing environment between 65°F-75°F and maintain consistent moisture levels.
  7. Monitor growth progress: Regularly check on the microgreens’ development and ensure they stay moist but not too wet to prevent mold formation.
  8. Harvest at the right stage: Microgreens should be harvested once they have developed their first true leaves, usually within 7-10 days after germination.
  9. Rinse and dry before feeding: Wash harvested microgreens thoroughly and gently pat them dry to remove any debris before incorporating them into your horse’s diet.
  10. Gradually introduce to horse’s diet: Start by adding small amounts of microgreens mixed with hay or other feed, gradually increasing over time as your horse acclimates to this new source of nutrition.
  11. Consult your veterinarian if any concerns arise regarding potential dietary changes or adverse reactions in your horse due to feeding DIY fodder made from microgreens.
DIY Fodder For Horses

Affordable Feed For Horses

Microgreens and hydroponic fodder offer a cost-effective way to feed horses without compromising on quality nutrition. They can be grown in large quantities, up to 17 horses per crop box, with minimal space and time investment.

DIY fodder systems are easy to set up with just a few basic materials, such as trays and seeds. By growing your own microgreens for horses, you can save money on expensive traditional feeds while providing fresh, nutrient-dense food year-round.

Advantages Of Feeding Microgreens To Horses

Feeding microgreens to horses provides enhanced nutrition, improved digestion and nutrient absorption, reduced waste, and better health, as well as promotes healthy coats and skin.

Enhanced Nutrition

Feeding microgreens to horses can provide them with enhanced nutrition. Microgreens are nutrient-dense and contain higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than their mature counterparts.

Adding microgreens to a horse’s diet can help improve their overall health and well-being.

For example, feeding wheatgrass to horses can provide them with an excellent source of chlorophyll, which is essential for promoting healthy digestion and detoxification.

Alfalfa microgreens are also a great option as they contain high amounts of protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients that horses need in their diets.

Improved Digestion And Nutrient Absorption

Feeding microgreens to horses can significantly enhance their digestion and nutrient absorption abilities. This is because microgreens are packed with enzymes, which break down the food efficiently and allow better absorption into the bloodstream.

Additionally, the germination of sprouts stimulates the release of more enzymes, which increases the digestibility of both carbohydrates and proteins in horses. As a result, feeding microgreens to horses on a regular basis can help ensure that they get all the nutrients they need from their diet while reducing waste.

Boosts Immune System

Microgreens contain high levels of antioxidants, which can help boost the immune system of horses. Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals, which can cause damage to cells and tissues. Microgreens also contain vitamins A, C, E, and K, which are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Improves Digestion

Feeding microgreens to horses can also improve their digestion. Microgreens contain enzymes that aid in breaking down food in the digestive tract. This means that horses can absorb more nutrients from their food, leading to better overall health.

Provides Essential Nutrients

Microgreens are packed with essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, calcium, iron, and magnesium. These nutrients are important for maintaining strong bones and muscles in horses. Microgreens also provide a good source of energy for horses.

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a common problem in horses and can lead to various health issues, such as joint pain and stiffness. Microgreens contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This means that feeding microgreens to horses may help alleviate joint pain and other inflammatory conditions.

So how do you feed microgreens to your horse? There are several ways:

  • Add them to your horse’s regular feed
  • Mix them into homemade treats or snacks
  • Serve them as a standalone snack or treat
  • Grow your own microgreen garden specifically for your horse’s consumption

Reduced Waste And Better Health

Feeding microgreens to horses can lead to reduced waste and better health outcomes. Microgreens are highly digestible, so horses absorb more of the nutrients they consume, leaving less waste behind in their manure.

By incorporating microgreens into your horse’s diet, you may also reduce your feed costs over time. This is because microgreens require fewer resources to grow than traditional hay or grain crops.

Some success stories from horse owners who have fed their animals microgreens include improved coat and skin health, as well as enhanced overall performance during competition season.

Promotes Healthy Coat And Skin

Feeding microgreens to horses can promote a shiny and healthy coat while also improving overall skin health. Microgreens such as sunflower, radish, broccoli, kale, and nasturtium have been found to have specific health benefits for a horse’s skin.

A horse’s skin and coat reflect its overall wellness, making it essential to ensure it receives proper nutrition. By incorporating microgreens into their diet, you can improve their immunity, digestive tract, and nutrient reserves in the body – all of which contribute to maintaining a lustrous coat.

When feeding microgreens to your horse, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the amount over time. This will help prevent any digestive upset or other issues. It is important to choose organic microgreens to ensure that they are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides.

Types Of Microgreens Suitable For Horses

Wheatgrass, alfalfa, red clover, and sunflower are among the most commonly used types of microgreens for horses, but there are many other varieties to choose from depending on your horse’s specific nutritional needs.


Wheatgrass is a fantastic option when it comes to feeding your horses microgreens. It contains selenium, vitamins A, C, E, K, and the B complex, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium, and phytonutrients, making it incredibly nutritious for your equine friends. Wheatgrass is easy to grow using the same method as sprouting seeds for microgreens or smoothies – simply soak them overnight in water and then rinse and drain twice daily until they’re ready to be harvested.

Barley and wheatgrass are both superfoods that offer incredibly high levels of nutrient density compared to dark green leafy vegetables making them a must-have in any horse’s diet.


Alfalfa is a widely cultivated forage crop that can be grown as microgreens for horses. Alfalfa microgreens are rich in minerals, including calcium, zinc, and magnesium, that can help prevent osteoporosis in horses.

Additionally, high-quality alfalfa hay contains more easy-to-digest complex carbohydrates than most grass hays, providing more energy per pound. However, there is a debate about whether to feed alfalfa hay to horses, as traditional belief favors timothy hay and oats.

Red Clover

Red clover microgreens are mild in flavor, extremely tender, and considered a good source of nutrition for horses. However, it is essential to be aware that red clover can cause excessive salivation or slobbers in equines grazing it due to the mycotoxin produced by the fungus Rhizoctonia leguminicola.

Although red clover is known for its benefits as a feed option for livestock due to its high protein content, it is still capable of taking over pastures, which can increase protein and sugar intake while decreasing fiber intake in horses.


Sunflower microgreens are a fantastic source of nutrition for horses. They contain high levels of vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, as well as folate and iron.

Additionally, sunflower microgreens are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that contribute to overall health. These greens can be easily grown at home using simple equipment such as tray sprouters or hydroponic systems.

When harvested young (around 1.5-3 inches), the microgreens provide an economical alternative to traditional feeds while improving your horse’s digestive health and promoting healthy coat growth.

Other Varieties

Aside from the commonly grown microgreens like wheatgrass and alfalfa, there are many other varieties suitable for horses. Buckwheat, clover, and broccoli are just a few examples of nutrient-rich options that can help supplement your horse’s diet.

As you explore different types of microgreens to grow for your horse, keep in mind their nutritional needs and any specific health concerns they may have.

Growing Microgreens For Horses

To grow microgreens for horses, first, select and prepare quality seeds, set up a system with proper lighting and watering requirements, and provide nutrient solutions to promote healthy growth.

Growing Microgreens for Horses

Seed Selection And Preparation

Selecting the right seeds and properly preparing them are crucial for growing high-quality microgreens for your horse’s consumption. Here are some tips:

  1. Choose organic, non – GMO seeds to ensure they are free from harmful chemicals and genetically modified organisms.
  2. Select seeds specifically intended for sprouting or microgreen production, as opposed to those used for planting directly in the soil.
  3. Soak the seeds in water for a few hours before planting to improve their germination rate.
  4. Rinse the seeds thoroughly before planting to remove any dirt or debris that can affect their growth.
  5. Use a good-quality growing medium such as coco coir, perlite, vermiculite, or peat moss combined with compost or worm castings.
  6. Spread the seeds evenly on top of the growing medium, making sure they are not overcrowded.
  7. Cover the planted container with a lid or plastic wrap until the seeds sprout to create a humid environment that promotes germination.
  8. Once sprouted, remove the cover and place the container under grow lights or near a window with plenty of natural light.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your microgreens will be of top quality and provide optimal nutrition for your horse’s health and well-being.

Setting Up A System

To grow microgreens for horses, it’s important to set up a proper system. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Choose the right location – Select an area that is well-ventilated and has access to natural or artificial light.
  2. Gather supplies – You will need containers, soil, seeds, and a watering system to get started.
  3. Decide on your growing method – There are various methods, such as tray-based, hydroponic, or soil-based.
  4. Prepare your containers – Clean and sterilize your containers before adding soil and seeds.
  5. Plant the seeds – Spread the seeds evenly over the top of the soil, mist them with water, and cover them with a dark cloth or plastic wrap for 1-2 days.
  6. Ensure proper lighting and watering – Provide enough natural or artificial light for 12-16 hours per day and water regularly while avoiding overwatering.
  7. Monitor progress – Keep track of growth progress and maintain a clean environment to avoid diseases.

By following these steps, you can successfully set up a system to grow microgreens for horses that will provide them with a fresh source of nutrition all year round. Additionally, using a hydroponic system can produce more yield in less space with complete environmental control while producing clean feed for your horses with minimal input.

Watering And Lighting Requirements

Microgreens require specific watering and lighting requirements to thrive. Here are some tips for growing healthy microgreens for horses:


  • It is best to water microgreens from the bottom up, which means placing the tray in a container of water and allowing it to soak up moisture.
  • Water the microgreens when the soil is becoming dry, but avoid overwatering as this can lead to mold growth.
  • Use room temperature or lukewarm water. Cold water can shock the plants and affect growth.


  • Microgreens require about four hours of direct sunlight daily to grow properly.
  • If growing indoors, use full-spectrum LED grow lights that provide enough wavelengths of light for optimal plant growth.
  • Provide at least 14 hours of light each day for optimal growth.


  • Microgreens prefer temperatures between 60°F and 75°F (15°C and 24°C) for optimal growth.
  • Keep them away from extreme temperatures or drafts that can stress or damage the plants.


  • Maintain moderate humidity levels around 50% by using a spray bottle or humidifier if necessary.

By following these tips, you can ensure your microgreens are healthy and nutritious for your horses to enjoy.

Nutrient Solutions

To ensure your microgreens are growing to their full potential, it’s important to provide them with the right balance of nutrients. Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing nutrient solutions:

  • Choose a balanced fertilizer that contains all the necessary macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) as well as micronutrients (iron, magnesium, zinc, etc.).
  • Follow the instructions carefully when mixing your nutrient solution to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding your plants.
  • Test the pH of your solution regularly using a meter or test strips and adjust as needed to maintain a neutral pH of around 7.0.
  • Consider using organic or natural fertilizers instead of synthetic ones for a healthier and more sustainable option.
  • Monitor your plants closely for signs of nutrient deficiencies, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth, and adjust your nutrient solution accordingly.

Fun fact: Did you know that hydroponic systems can use up to 90% less water than traditional soil-based farming? This makes them a more eco-friendly option for growing microgreens and other crops!

What is Fodder and Sprouted Grain for Horses? Horses and Sprouts

Fodder production is a process of growing and harvesting sprouts for animal consumption. Sprouted grains are easy to digest and can improve the overall health of horses.

What is Fodder Production?

Fodder production involves growing seeds into sprouts that can be fed to animals as a nutrient-rich forage. The process typically involves soaking the seeds in water until they germinate, then placing them in trays or bags to grow. After a few days, the sprouts are ready to be harvested and fed to animals.

Why is Sprouted Grain Good for Horses?

Sprouted grains provide many benefits for horses. They are rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that can improve overall health. Sprouted grains are easier to digest than traditional feed because the germination process breaks down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars that the horse’s digestive system can absorb more easily.

Furthermore, sprouting grains increases their bioavailability of certain nutrients like Vitamin C by up to 600%. This means that horses get more nutrition from each seed than they would from un-sprouted grain.

Another benefit of using sprouted grain as feed is its cost-effectiveness. Growing your own fodder at home can save you money on expensive commercial feeds while providing your horse with high-quality nutrition.

How Can You Produce Fodder at Home?

Producing fodder at home requires only a few simple steps:

  1. Choose your seeds: Popular options include barley, oats, wheatgrass, or alfalfa.
  2. Soak the seeds: Place them in a container with water overnight.
  3. Drain excess water: Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  4. Spread out the seeds: Place them in a tray or bag, making sure they are spread out evenly.
  5. Water and drain: Rinse the seeds with clean water twice a day, ensuring that excess water is drained off each time.
  6. Harvest: After 4-7 days, the sprouts will be ready to harvest.

You can adjust your growing process depending on your horse’s needs and preferences. For example, you can add supplements like probiotics or minerals to the water during soaking to improve nutrient content.

Selecting the Grain or Seed to Sprout and Soaking Your Seeds

Choosing Quality Grains or Seeds for Sprouting

It is essential to choose high-quality whole grains or seeds. You can use a variety of grains, such as barley, wheat, oats, and rye. It’s important to ensure that the grains are not processed and do not contain any harmful chemicals.

You can purchase whole grains from your local health food store or online. Make sure you buy organic whole grains since they are usually free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

Soaking Your Seeds in Water for One Day Before Sprouting

After choosing the right type of grain or seed for sprouting, you need to soak them in water before sprouting. Soaking helps remove any dirt, debris, and bacteria present on the surface of the grain.

To soak your seeds properly:

  1. Place your seeds in a jar.
  2. Fill the jar with enough water so that all the seeds are submerged.
  3. Cover the jar with a breathable lid like cheesecloth.
  4. Leave the jar aside at room temperature for one day.

Soaking times may vary depending on what kind of grain or seed you’re using; some may require soaking for up to three days. However, most grains only need one day of soaking before you start sprouting them.

Using The Jar Method To Sprout Your Seeds

The jar method is an easy way to sprout your seeds without requiring any special equipment.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Drain out all excess water after soaking your seeds
  2. Rinse them thoroughly under running water
  3. Place your rinsed seeds back into a clean jar
  4. Cover your jar with a breathable lid (e.g., cheesecloth)
  5. Tilt your jar upside down at an angle so that any excess water can drain out
  6. Store your jar in a cool, dark place for 2-3 days
  7. Rinse and drain your sprouts once or twice a day

Ensuring the Roots of Your Sprouts Have Enough Moisture During the Sprouting Process

The roots of your sprouts need to have enough moisture during the sprouting process to grow correctly.

Here are some tips to ensure that your sprouts’ roots have enough moisture:

  1. Rinse and drain your sprouts once or twice a day.
  2. Keep them in a cool, dark place.
  3. Make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight.
  4. Ensure that there is adequate ventilation where you store them.

DIY Fodder for Horses: Quick Steps, Feeding Sprouts, and DIY Fodder

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to provide your horses with fresh, nutritious feed, then DIY fodder might be the answer. With hydroponic fodder systems, you can produce sprouts in as little as seven days.

How to Make DIY Fodder?

Making your own DIY fodder is relatively easy and requires just a few simple steps. Here’s how:

  1. Soak the seeds: Start by soaking the seeds (wheat, barley, or oats) in water for at least 12 hours.
  2. Rinse the seeds: After soaking, rinse the seeds thoroughly using clean water.
  3. Spread them out: Spread the seeds out evenly on a tray or container.
  4. Keep them moist: Add water to keep the seeds moist but not too wet.
  5. Wait for sprouts: Within a few days (usually 7-10), you’ll start seeing sprouts growing from the seeds.
  6. Harvest and feed: Once the sprouts are around 2 inches long, they’re ready to be harvested and fed to your horses.

Hydroponic Fodder Systems

Hydroponic fodder systems are an excellent way to produce large quantities of fresh sprouts quickly and efficiently. These systems use nutrient-rich water instead of soil to grow plants.

One popular option is FodderTech machines that come in different sizes depending on your needs. These machines allow you to grow up to 300 pounds of fresh sprouts per day! They also come with automatic watering and temperature control features that make it easy for anyone to use.

Feeding Sprouts

Sprouts are an excellent source of nutrition for horses as they contain high levels of vitamins A, B, C, and E. They’re also rich in protein, fiber, and minerals like calcium and iron.

When feeding sprouts to your horses, it’s essential to introduce them slowly into their diet. Start with small amounts (around 1/4 cup) and gradually increase the amount over a few weeks. This will help prevent any digestive issues that may arise from sudden dietary changes.

Sprouts can be fed alone or mixed with hay or other feeds. You can also use them as a treat or reward for your horse.

DIY Fodder vs. Hay

While hay is a staple feed for many horses, it can be expensive and may not always provide the necessary nutrients that horses need. DIY fodder is an excellent alternative as it’s cost-effective and provides fresh nutrition year-round.

DIY fodder is also easy to grow at home and doesn’t require much space or equipment. Plus, since you’re growing it yourself, you have complete control over what goes into it.

What You’ll Need: Saucer Version, Large Batch Version, and Simple Seeds to Start Sprouting

If you’re looking to grow microgreens for your horses, there are a few things you’ll need to get started. Depending on the method you choose, the supplies required will vary slightly. Here’s what you’ll need for the saucer version, large batch version, and simple seeds to start sprouting.

Saucer Version

The saucer method is an easy way to grow small amounts of microgreens at home. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Terracotta saucer: A terracotta saucer is ideal because it’s porous and allows air circulation around the roots.
  • Simple seeds: Choose a type of seed that’s safe for horses and suitable for sprouting. Some good options include alfalfa, clover, wheatgrass, or barley.
  • Water source: You’ll need a water source to keep the seeds moist as they sprout.

To get started with this method:

  1. Fill your terracotta saucer with soil.
  2. Scatter your seeds over the soil evenly.
  3. Water your seeds lightly with a spray bottle or watering can.
  4. Place your saucer in a warm spot with indirect sunlight.
  5. Keep the soil moist by misting it daily until your microgreens are ready to harvest.

One thing to be aware of when using this method is mold growth due to excess moisture. Be sure not to overwater your seeds and change out any water that accumulates in the bottom of the saucer regularly.

Large Batch Version

If you have multiple horses or want to grow larger quantities of microgreens at once, consider using trays instead of saucers. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Trays: You can use plastic trays or even repurpose old baking sheets if they’re deep enough.
  • Simple seeds: As mentioned above, choose a type of seed that’s safe for horses and suitable for sprouting.
  • Water source: You’ll need a water source to keep the seeds moist as they sprout.
  • Scale: A scale can be helpful in measuring out the right amount of seeds per tray.

To get started with this method:

  1. Fill your trays with soil.
  2. Measure out your seeds using a scale and scatter them over the soil evenly.
  3. Water your seeds lightly with a spray bottle or watering can.
  4. Place your trays in a warm spot with indirect sunlight.
  5. Keep the soil moist by misting it daily until your microgreens are ready to harvest.

One thing to be aware of when using this method is that you’ll need to change out the soil periodically to prevent mold growth and ensure proper nutrient uptake by the plants.

Setting Up the Sprouting Container: Microgreens Cropbox Container Using Nutrient Solution

Growing microgreens for horses is a great way to provide them with nutrient-rich feed. However, setting up the sprouting container is crucial for growing healthy and nutritious microgreens.

Types Of Microgreens Suitable For Horses

The Cropbox Container

The Cropbox container is a popular choice for growing microgreens as it is easy to use and requires minimal space. It comes with built-in lighting, ventilation, and watering systems that make growing microgreens hassle-free. The container can be placed indoors or outdoors, depending on your preference.

To set up the Cropbox container, start by placing it in a location that receives adequate sunlight or artificial light. Next, fill the water reservoir at the bottom of the container with clean water.

Nutrient Solution

The nutrient solution is essential for the growth of healthy and nutritious microgreens in the Cropbox container. You can either purchase pre-made nutrient solutions or make your own using organic fertilizers such as kelp meal or fish emulsion.

To make your own nutrient solution, mix one tablespoon of organic fertilizer per gallon of clean water. Stir well until all the fertilizer has dissolved in water. Fill the water reservoir at the bottom of the Cropbox container with this nutrient solution.

Lining at Bottom

It is important to line the bottom of the Cropbox container with a mat to prevent waterlogging. Waterlogging can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases that can damage your microgreen crop.

You can use any non-toxic mat, such as burlap or felt paper, to line the bottom of your sprouting tray. This will help absorb excess moisture and prevent it from accumulating at the bottom of your tray.

Foddertech Sprouts

Foddertech sprouts are an excellent source of nutrient-rich feed for horses. They are high in protein, vitamins, and minerals that can help improve your horse’s overall health and well-being.

To grow Foddertech sprouts in your Cropbox container, start by soaking the seeds overnight in clean water. The next day, spread the soaked seeds evenly on top of the mat-lined sprouting tray. Water the seeds with a nutrient solution using a spray bottle or watering can.

Cover the tray with a lid or plastic wrap to create a humid environment for your microgreens to grow. Keep the container in a warm location with adequate light until your microgreens have reached their desired height.

Optional Supplies and Supplies for DIY Fodder for Horses

Optional supplies for DIY fodder for horses

If you’re considering making your own horse feed, there are a few optional supplies that can make the process easier. One of these is a fodder system. Fodder systems allow you to grow your own sprouts and grasses indoors, which can be a great source of nutrition for your horse. There are many different types of fodder systems available, ranging from small countertop models to large commercial units. Some popular options include:

  • Seed sprouters: These are simple devices that allow you to sprout seeds in water.
  • Tray sprouters: These are larger systems that use trays to grow grass or other plants.
  • Hydroponic systems: These use nutrient-rich water to grow plants without soil.

Another optional supply is an automatic feeder. Automatic feeders can help ensure that your horse always has access to fresh food, even when you’re not around to feed them yourself.

Fodder systems for horse enrichment

Fodder systems aren’t just useful for providing nutrition; they can also be a great source of enrichment for your horse. Many horses enjoy nibbling on fresh greens and sprouts, and the act of grazing can be mentally stimulating as well as physically beneficial. If you’re looking to provide some extra mental stimulation for your horse, consider setting up a fodder system in their stall or paddock.

Horse-friendly materials for DIY fodder

When setting up a fodder system or making homemade horse feed, it’s important to choose materials that are safe and non-toxic for your animal. Some good options include:

  • Food-grade plastic containers: These are safe for storing food and won’t leach harmful chemicals into the feed.
  • Stainless steel bowls: These are durable and easy to clean.
  • Natural fiber bags: These can be used to store hay or other dry ingredients without exposing them to harmful chemicals.

Avoid using materials that could be harmful to your horse, such as treated wood or plastic containers that aren’t food-grade.

Supplies needed for homemade horse feed

If you’re making your own horse feed, there are a few essential supplies you’ll need. These include:

  • A scale: This will allow you to measure out ingredients accurately.
  • Mixing bowls: You’ll need a few different sizes of mixing bowls for different stages of the process.
  • Measuring cups and spoons: These will help ensure that you’re adding the correct amount of each ingredient.
  • Storage containers: You’ll need airtight containers to store your finished feed in.

Animal-safe materials for DIY fodder

When growing sprouts or grasses for your horse, it’s important to use seeds that are safe for animals. Some good options include:

  • Alfalfa seeds
  • Barley seeds
  • Oat seeds

Avoid using seeds from plants that are toxic to horses, such as nightshade or yew.

Preparing Microgreens For Horses

To ensure your horse gets the most benefit out of microgreens, proper preparation is essential. This section covers storage and handling, serving sizes and frequency, as well as creating horse-friendly snacks with microgreens.

Storage And Handling

Proper storage and handling of microgreens are essential in ensuring their freshness and nutritional value for your horse. Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Store microgreens in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent wilting and mold growth.
  2. Use clean and sanitized containers to store the seeds before planting to avoid contamination.
  3. Check the moisture content of the microgreens regularly during storage to prevent spoilage and mold growth.
  4. It’s best to consume or feed microgreens within 1 – 2 days after harvest for optimal freshness and nutrient content.
  5. To extend the shelf life of microgreens, consider placing them in airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags before storing them in the fridge.
  6. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling microgreens to prevent contamination from bacteria or other pathogens.

Remember that improper storage and handling can lead to spoilage, loss of nutrients, and even harmful bacterial growth. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your horse gets the maximum benefit from these nutritious greens.

Serving Sizes And Frequency

Knowing how much and how often to feed your horse microgreens can be a bit tricky. While there isn’t a set rule for serving sizes and frequency, it’s important to consider factors such as the horse’s size, activity level, and dietary needs.

Generally speaking, microgreens make up only a small portion of a horse’s diet, with some experts recommending around 1-3% of their total body weight per day.

As for frequency, offering microgreens once or twice a week is usually sufficient.

Research has shown that feeding horses with microgreens can significantly improve their health and performance while reducing costs associated with traditional feeds.

Creating Horse-Friendly Snacks

Creating horse-friendly snacks is a fun and easy way to incorporate microgreens into your horse’s diet. Here are some ideas:

  1. Microgreens Salad: Toss a handful of microgreens with some chopped carrots and apples for a healthy and tasty salad.
  2. Microgreen Treats: Mix microgreens with oats, honey, and molasses to create homemade treats that your horse will love.
  3. Microgreen Mash: Cook up some oats and mix in fresh microgreens for an extra boost of nutrition in your horse’s meal.

Remember to always read the labels carefully before feeding your horse any treats or supplements. With these ideas, you can easily incorporate microgreens into your horse’s diet in a way that is both enjoyable and beneficial for their health.

Incorporating Microgreens Into A Horse’s Diet

To incorporate microgreens into a horse’s diet, they can be mixed into hay or feed or used to create balanced meals with other foods.

Mixing Into Hay Or Feed

Microgreens can be easily mixed into a horse’s diet to provide additional nutrients and health benefits. Here are some tips for incorporating microgreens into hay or feed:

  1. Start with small amounts: Begin by mixing in a small amount of microgreens with your horse’s regular feed or hay to help them acclimate to the new taste and texture.
  2. Increase gradually: If your horse seems to enjoy the microgreens, gradually increase the amount over time as long as it does not lead to an imbalanced diet.
  3. Mix thoroughly: Make sure to mix the microgreens in well with the hay or feed so that they are evenly distributed throughout.
  4. Use fresh greens: Only use fresh, high-quality microgreens that have been recently harvested and washed thoroughly before feeding them to your horse.
  5. Experiment with flavors: Different types of microgreens have varying flavors and textures, so try different varieties to find what your horse prefers.
  6. Consider adding moisture: You may want to add moisture to the feed or hay when mixing in the microgreens, especially if your horse has dental issues or difficulty chewing dry food.

Incorporating microgreens into a horse’s diet can help boost their nutrition and overall health while providing more variety in their daily meals.

Creating Balanced Meals With Other Foods

To create a balanced diet for horses, it is essential to include a variety of foods. Here are some tips on how to combine microgreens with other foods to provide a well-rounded meal:

  1. Hay or Forage: Horses require roughage or forage as the primary source of food to maintain gut health. Mix a small amount of microgreens into hay or forage to add micronutrients.
  2. Grains: Whole grains, such as oats and barley, can be mixed with microgreens to provide energy and protein.
  3. Vegetables: Fresh vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, or sweet potatoes add vitamins and minerals that complement the nutrition in microgreens.
  4. Fruits: Small amounts of fruits like apples, bananas, or berries can satisfy cravings and provide antioxidants.
  5. Supplements: Some horses may require additional supplements for specific health concerns such as joint pain or skin issues. Consult your veterinarian before adding any supplements to your horse’s diet.

By combining different food groups with microgreens, you can provide a balanced meal that meets all the nutritional requirements for your horse while offering variety in their diet. Incorporating microgreens into a horse’s diet is an affordable way of providing quality nutrition without breaking the bank on feed costs and vet bills.

Microgreens for Horses: A Sustainable and Cost-Effective Alternative to Traditional Horse Feed

Feeding Microgreens to Horses as a Sustainable and Cost-Effective Alternative

Feeding microgreens to horses can be a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional horse feed, such as oats or hay. Growing microgreens is relatively easy compared to growing hay or grains like oats. All you need is a greenhouse or indoor growing space with proper lighting and temperature control. This means you can grow your own greens year-round without relying on expensive commercial feed suppliers.

Moreover, microgreens have high digestibility rates compared to mature plants or grains like oats. This means that more nutrition is absorbed by the horse’s body than would be from traditional feed sources. In addition to being more nutrient-dense than mature plants or grains like oats or hay, feeding microgreens provide enrichment for horses, similar to grazing on fresh green grass in a pasture.

Best Types of Microgreens for Horses

First, you want to choose microgreens that are safe for horses to eat. Avoid feeding them any greens that are toxic or harmful to their health.

Some of the best types of microgreens for horses include:

  • Alfalfa
  • Barley grass
  • Wheatgrass
  • Sunflower greens
  • Broccoli microgreens

Wholesale Microgreens for Horses

If you’re looking to purchase microgreens in bulk for your horses, there are plenty of wholesale options available online. Many companies specialize in growing and selling microgreens specifically for livestock feed. These companies offer a wide variety of greens at competitive prices, making it easy and affordable to incorporate them into your horse’s diet.

Precautions To Take When Feeding Microgreens To Horses

When feeding microgreens to horses, it’s important to choose organic and pesticide-free seeds, avoid overfeeding and imbalanced diets, and consult with a veterinarian for guidance on incorporating microgreens into a horse’s diet.

Choosing Organic And Pesticide-Free Seeds

It is important to select organic and pesticide-free seeds when feeding microgreens to horses. This ensures that the feed contains no harmful chemicals that may cause health problems in equine animals.

In fact, many horse owners have reported improved health and performance after switching to organic crops grown with nutrient density and mineral balance in mind.

Standards and regulations exist for the growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of produce for human consumption (including microgreens), which can also be applied to horse feed.

Avoiding Overfeeding And Imbalanced Diets

Feeding horses too much can lead to physical problems and contribute to degenerative joint disease. It’s important to carefully measure out the amount of microgreens, and other feed your horse receives, as overfeeding can cause them harm.

To avoid imbalanced diets, consider consulting with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist who can help determine the right type and amount of feed for your horse.

They may also recommend bloodwork or other tests to ensure that any dietary changes are safe for your animal.

Consulting With A Veterinarian

Before incorporating microgreens into your horse’s diet, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist. They can provide valuable insights and advice on the proper feeding amounts, types of microgreens suitable for horses, and any possible adverse health effects.

A vet can also help you determine whether your horse requires additional nutritional supplements or adjustments in their overall diet plan. While microgreens offer several benefits, they should be treated as an addition to a balanced meal plan for horses rather than a replacement for traditional feed sources like hay or grains.

Success Stories Of Microgreens For Horses

Racehorse trainers have reported improved performance and overall health in their horses after incorporating microgreens into their diets, while other horse owners have seen reduced feed costs and waste by growing their own hydroponic fodder.

Improved Health And Performance

Feeding microgreens to horses can lead to improved health and performance. By providing nutrient-dense and easily digestible feed, equine athletes can maintain optimal health and energy levels.

Microgreens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants essential for healthy bodily functions. Additionally, incorporating sprouts into a horse’s diet has been shown to improve digestion, leading to better nutrient absorption and reduced waste production.

For example, one study found that feeding alfalfa sprouts improved the immune function of racehorses while also reducing their stress levels during competition season. Another experience reported fewer injuries and faster recovery times among endurance horses fed wheatgrass alongside traditional grain-based diets.

Reduced Feed Costs And Waste

Feeding horses with microgreens can help reduce feed costs and minimize waste. Microgreens are a low-cost alternative to traditional horse feeds, which can be expensive and difficult to manage in large quantities.

Additionally, it is estimated that hay waste accounts for up to 33% of total feed costs.

Moreover, research has indicated that feeding horses with microgreens can improve animal health and performance. One study found that feeding horses with hydroponic fodder increased digestibility by up to 80%, allowing animals to extract more nutrients from each pound of feed consumed while minimizing the amount of manure produced.

Frequently Asked Questions About Microgreens And Horses

In this section, we will address some of the most common questions that people have when considering microgreens for their horses. These answers will provide you with valuable information and insights to help you make informed decisions about incorporating microgreens into your horse’s diet.

What is the difference between sprouts, microgreens, and baby greens?Sprouts are germinated seeds; microgreens are young plants harvested just after the first set of leaves have developed, and baby greens are slightly older plants that have been allowed to grow a bit longer.
Can horses eat all types of microgreens?While most microgreens are safe for horses, it’s essential to make sure you’re feeding them appropriate varieties, such as wheatgrass, alfalfa, red clover, and sunflower. Consult a veterinarian for advice on what’s best for your horse.
How can I tell the difference between mold and micro root hairs on my microgreens?Micro root hairs are a normal occurrence in hydroponic microgreens and are often mistaken for mold. Mold will have a distinct fuzzy and slimy appearance, whereas micro root hairs will appear as fine, white strands on the roots of the plants.
Can microgreens be used in hydroponic and fodder feed systems for horses?Yes, microgreens can be grown and used in both hydroponic and fodder feed systems for horses, making them a cost-effective and nutritious option for large facilities and individual horse owners.
What precautions should I take when feeding microgreens to my horse?Choose organic and pesticide-free seeds, avoid overfeeding and imbalanced diets, and consult with a veterinarian regarding any dietary changes for your horse.
Is microgreen farming a low-investment, high-dividend agricultural practice?Yes, microgreen farming requires minimal initial investment and can yield high returns, making it an attractive option for those interested in sustainable and efficient agriculture.
How often should I feed microgreens to my horse?It’s essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the proper serving size and frequency for feeding microgreens to your horse, as it may vary based on individual needs and dietary requirements.
How should I store and handle microgreens for my horse?Microgreens should be stored in a cool, dry place and should be thoroughly washed before feeding to your horse. Remember to handle them gently, as they are delicate and can be easily damaged.
Are there any success stories of horses benefiting from microgreens?Yes, many horse owners have reported improved health, performance, and coat condition in their horses after incorporating microgreens into their diet. Additionally, some have noted reduced feed costs and waste as a result of using microgreens.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating microgreens into a horse’s diet can lead to improved nutrition, digestion, and overall health. With the benefits of reduced waste and lower feed bills, it can also be a sustainable and cost-effective option for horse owners.

Feeding microgreens to your horses can provide numerous benefits, such as improved digestion, increased nutrient absorption, and enhanced immune function. Sprouting grains and seeds is a simple and cost-effective way to produce fresh fodder for your horses. With the right equipment and knowledge, you can easily set up a sprouting container at home and start growing your own microgreens.

Microgreens offer a sustainable alternative to traditional horse feed that can save you money in the long run while providing optimal nutrition for your equine companions. So why not give it a try? Your horses will thank you.

Whether grown in a CropBox or DIY system, microgreens like wheatgrass and alfalfa sprouts can offer essential vitamins and minerals that may not be present in traditional feed options.

As with any dietary change, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian before introducing new foods to your horse’s diet.

Frequently Asked Questions About Microgreens for Horses

Microgreens for horses are young plants that have been harvested at an early stage of development, usually within a week or two of sprouting. They are highly nutritious and packed with vitamins and minerals essential to your horse’s health. Feeding microgreens as part of your horse’s regular diet can help improve their immune system, support healthy digestion, and boost overall well-being.

Growing microgreens is easy! You will need some seeds, soil or growing medium, trays or containers with drainage holes, water, a light source (natural sunlight or grow lights), and patience. Choose seeds that are safe for horses to consume; popular varieties include wheatgrass, alfalfa sprouts, sunflower greens, barley grasses, etc. Sow seeds evenly on the growing medium & cover with another layer of soil before misting lightly twice a day until mature enough – typically 7-10 days but double-check packaging instructions first!

Yes! Microgreens provide beneficial nutrients regardless if you own a performance mare or a leisure gelding. It’s important to note though – not all types may be suitable for every horse due to dietary restrictions/considerations, so it is always wise to check with a veterinarian prior to introducing new feed items into an existing regime.

To ensure proper nutrition balance & avoid overconsumption challenges – Carefully introduce new food items gradually over time, i.e., start by offering small servings mixed in alongside existing feeds once per day, then slowly increase frequency/volume based on response noting any adverse reactions such as digestive difficulties like diarrhea which could indicate sensitivity/allergy happening towards certain ingredients affecting absorption ability negatively leading further complications down the line so monitor closely during this process while consulting vet if needed.

No, microgreens should be used as a supplement to your horse’s regular diet of hay or grass.

Seeds that are commonly used for sprouting include alfalfa, barley, oats, wheatgrass, and clover.

As long as you follow proper soaking and sprouting techniques and do not overfeed them, there should be minimal risks involved in feeding your horse microgreens. However, if you have any concerns or notice any adverse effects on your horse’s health after feeding them microgreens, consult with your veterinarian immediately.

It is not recommended to feed your horse store-bought sprouts as they may contain harmful bacteria or chemicals. It is best to grow your own sprouts at home using organic seeds.

Author Image For Cal Hewitt

Cal Hewitt is the Founder and Lead Cultivator at Microgreens Guru, a website dedicated to empowering individuals to grow, consume, and potentially sell nutrient-dense microgreens. With 5 years of hands-on experience in microgreens cultivation, Cal brings a unique analytical perspective to the world of urban agriculture. He specializes in optimizing growth techniques for various microgreen varieties, while also focusing on sustainable and cost-effective growing methods. Cal’s passion for microgreens, ignited by a personal health journey, drives him to continuously explore and share innovative approaches to microgreens cultivation. His practical experience, combined with his commitment to education through his website and upcoming book, ensures that Microgreens Guru remains a valuable resource for both novice and experienced growers alike.

More About Cal Hewitt

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